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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Sshadow5001 Tue Nov 24, 2020 2:44 am

Final Crash wrote:
HQ Voices not working correctly
I don't think there are many HQ Voices. I'd have to relook through the files to figure out which ones are done.

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Miles Saintborough Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:13 am

Sshadow5001 wrote:It's making me wonder, are those experiences some of these glitches using a save from 5.1?
I've played 5.2 for quite a while now and haven't experienced anything wrong yet other than some random slowdown (might have to try borderless windows mode for that)

I do plan on uploading the save once I've bought everything. Already unlocked the characters and extras, just cheats left.

In my case, it's a fresh install. No old saves or mods on my game.
Miles Saintborough
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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty FILTER BUG !?!?!?!!!!!!

Post  xRainmakerRSx Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:05 am

In fact, you can only apply the F3 filter if the widescreen mode is off! It annoyed me a little. BUT what really bothered me is to accomplish that while you are playing with F3 active filter, a random freeze happens stopping your input attacks! ! ! This is not a joystick problem, this is an F3 filter problem !!!!
Did anyone else notice that!?!?! It is like a type of "x button" with twice the duration but you can do nothing, despite being hit by the enemy!

I really didn't have any problems or bugs playing without a filter and in widescreen or even in normal 4x3.

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Security Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:24 am

Sor1 route. Right before Mr.X the game freezes. "Soft-lock" i think that is called. If you alt+F4 though, the savestate loading returns you to the beginning of the stage. Even if you press "esc" as all cutscenes tell you to, it is stuck as in stuck, for good. I will go through that stage again sometime (thankfully, i had npc ally, which makes the 5.2 much easier), but that was an ugly experience.

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Criss Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:58 am

Security wrote:Sor1 route. Right before Mr.X the game freezes. "Soft-lock" i think that is called. If you alt+F4 though, the savestate loading returns you to the beginning of the stage. Even if you press "esc" as all cutscenes tell you to, it is stuck as in stuck, for good. I will go through that stage again sometime (thankfully, i had npc ally, which makes the 5.2 much easier), but that was an ugly experience.

You should redownload 5.2 from the link provided by Charco
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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Security Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:26 am

Criss wrote:
You should redownload 5.2 from the link provided by Charco

Where can i find it? The only link i see, is the one in the download section, the one i already got...

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Criss Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:31 am

Is it isn't the black-walk-through-wall glitch, then my apologies.
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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Security Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:56 am

Criss wrote:Is it isn't the black-walk-through-wall glitch, then my apologies.

No, it isn't the black screen thing with go right arrow. Game simply froze right before the Mr.X fight. Of Sor1 route. He is seen puffing cigar while sitting on throne and two weapons lying to his sides. The players walk all the distance in the cutscene and disappear to the left end of the screen. Nothing happens. Pressing Esc as the button prompt suggests in that cutscene (and all cutscenes in general) does nothing else, other than making the animations go a big faster (Mr.X happilly puffing cigar).

That is a freeze, kinda. No black screen. I play windowed, if that matters. I reached all the way to the final boss in Mania and i am stuck right before him!

By the way, what link of Charco's were you suggesting? Maybe i missed something, could you please direct me at that? cat

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Criss Tue Nov 24, 2020 12:01 pm

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Security Tue Nov 24, 2020 12:06 pm

Yes, that's the one i got already... Still, thanks though!

This is a gamestopper bug/glitch, alright. Sor1 Mr.X isn't starting to fight you.

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Sshadow5001 Tue Nov 24, 2020 2:31 pm

Security wrote:
Yes, that's the one i got already... Still, thanks though!

This is a gamestopper bug/glitch, alright. Sor1 Mr.X isn't starting to fight you.
Very strange, I've fought through the SoR1 route a number of times and haven't had it occur. Dunno if you unlocked level select yet to test to see if it's consistant on your end. Might just upload my mostly complete save so you can test it if you like?

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Iceferno Tue Nov 24, 2020 2:33 pm

A friend of mine had some Video options locked. Display and Vsync were greyed out and unable to be changed.
Do you know what might be the cause of this?

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Charco Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:55 pm

Iceferno wrote:A friend of mine had some Video options locked. Display and Vsync were greyed out and unable to be changed.
Do you know what might be the cause of this?

What OS is he using?

If he opens system.txt, deletes the contents, pastes the following and saves it. He can boot up the game and see if it makes any difference for him.





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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Iceferno Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:10 pm

Not sure on the OS, but I'll pass on that info. Thanks Thumbs up

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  xRainmakerRSx Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:51 pm

i'm already putting the finishing touches on metal slug to be relaunched this month but i came across a problem and i need help!
Does anyone know why some characters are stuck in their default colors?

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Security Tue Nov 24, 2020 6:22 pm

Sshadow5001 wrote:Very strange, I've fought through the SoR1 route a number of times and haven't had it occur. Dunno if you unlocked level select yet to test to see if it's consistant on your end. Might just upload my mostly complete save so you can test it if you like?

I didn't unlock that yet, but i 've kept the savestate, until i can find something to resolve the issue. 3 tries up to now and Mr.X (sor1) will never start to fight, the cutscene never ends and gets stuck forever.

And i went through all the trouble to navigate Mania, too No

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  bazzza Tue Nov 24, 2020 6:50 pm

Miles Saintborough wrote:So I have an issue trying to fight Mr. X in the SOR1 route. Twice I reached him (first time alone, second time with an AI ally, both times in widescreen mode) and my character is basically "Nope, not worth it" and walks past him. The game then transitions to a new screen that is a black void and the game is basically softlocked.

Same thing happened to me as well, but I was not in widescreen I was in 4:3 aspect ratio. It was damh annoying.

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Final Crash Tue Nov 24, 2020 6:54 pm

I played route SOR1 (Widescreen mode) for the first time today. There were no problems
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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty i died! kkkk time out!

Post  xRainmakerRSx Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:52 pm

I don't even know if it would be considered a bug in itself .... BUT I was playing with shivaSOR2 in mania against 'antonio sor1 route fisrt boss' (using pause delay remake as I always used) and then I was in reset the first 3 hit's standard attack when suddenly ..... i died! kkkk time out! it's not exactly a bug but I was really hitting 'antonio' ​​without losing the combo / reset and still didn't kill him in time! It’s hilarious because it looks like we’ll have to turn off the timer in order to play in
mania '.. or that will lower our score records!

I really loved seven zeros on the screen! =)

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  lalolanda Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:44 pm

bazzza wrote:
Miles Saintborough wrote:So I have an issue trying to fight Mr. X in the SOR1 route. Twice I reached him (first time alone, second time with an AI ally, both times in widescreen mode) and my character is basically "Nope, not worth it" and walks past him. The game then transitions to a new screen that is a black void and the game is basically softlocked.

Same thing happened to me as well, but I was not in widescreen I was in 4:3 aspect ratio. It was damh annoying.

Lol, but the bug happens every time or only sometimes?


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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Miles Saintborough Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:45 pm

lalolanda wrote:
bazzza wrote:
Miles Saintborough wrote:So I have an issue trying to fight Mr. X in the SOR1 route. Twice I reached him (first time alone, second time with an AI ally, both times in widescreen mode) and my character is basically "Nope, not worth it" and walks past him. The game then transitions to a new screen that is a black void and the game is basically softlocked.

Same thing happened to me as well, but I was not in widescreen I was in 4:3 aspect ratio. It was damh annoying.

Lol, but the bug happens every time or only sometimes?

I only tried it twice as stated before and I'm not sure if I realllly wanna try it a third time. It's a bit much to go through the game in one sitting tongue
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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Sshadow5001 Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:15 pm

Just uploaded a complete save for 5.2. should help with any bug discoveries.

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Miles Saintborough Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:49 pm

shadow5001 wrote:Just uploaded a complete save for 5.2. should help with any bug discoveries.

Thanks, I tried stage 8 SOR1 again with your save and I still get that bug. I have zero idea what could be causing it.
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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Sshadow5001 Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:53 pm

Miles Saintborough wrote:
shadow5001 wrote:Just uploaded a complete save for 5.2. should help with any bug discoveries.

Thanks, I tried stage 8 SOR1 again with your save and I still get that bug. I have zero idea what could be causing it.
did you select stage 8 through level select or do you have like a savestate from turning the game off mid game?

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Post  Miles Saintborough Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:58 pm

I jumped to the level with the stage select
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