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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Sshadow5001 Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:04 am

Miles Saintborough wrote:I jumped to the level with the stage select
What system are you running the game on?

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Miles Saintborough Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:16 am

Windows 10 64 bit, latest updates and all that.
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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Sshadow5001 Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:28 am

Miles Saintborough wrote:Windows 10 64 bit, latest updates and all that.
hmm...perhaps redownload the game?

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty So I've got into the black void zone too

Post  El Gambito Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:56 am

It happened to me too, I was playing the SoR1 route and right at the end the Mr. X fight got skipped and wandered into a void. I was not recording my gameplay so I've caught this little clip after the fact.

And strangely, my 8 bitdo started to get bugged when I've used the Win10 built in recording feature, it would press start automatically untill I held the start button, then a little afterwards blaze just couldn't stop moving forward, I've pressed all sorts of buttons till I've called the cops, that stopped blaze from running but auto pause happened again so I've picked quit. As soon as I Alt+Tab out of the game and Windows stopped recording footage my controls went back to normal, how odd!

Edit: And for the record, I was not using my 5.1 save so.. that's a wasted effort :c

Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 8_blaz11 Blaze luver <3 Max mainer and occassional Axel, Adam and Shiva player!
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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Xillatem Wed Nov 25, 2020 11:04 pm

Sshadow5001 wrote:
Final Crash wrote:
HQ Voices not working correctly
I don't think there are many HQ Voices. I'd have to relook through the files to figure out which ones are done.

There's not a great deal of HQ voices, only ones that have been collected from various sources over the years.

IIRC they are:

Axel and Blaze's Blitzes.
Skate and Max's Forward Specials.
SoR2 Enemy Death 2 (The one used by the bosses)
Barbon's "Come on!"
Storm's "HIT IT".
Big Ben's laugh.
Jack's laugh.
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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Charco Wed Nov 25, 2020 11:41 pm

El Gambito wrote:It happened to me too, I was playing the SoR1 route and right at the end the Mr. X fight got skipped and wandered into a void. I was not recording my gameplay so I've caught this little clip after the fact.

And strangely, my 8 bitdo started to get bugged when I've used the Win10 built in recording feature, it would press start automatically untill I held the start button, then a little afterwards blaze just couldn't stop moving forward, I've pressed all sorts of buttons till I've called the cops, that stopped blaze from running but auto pause happened again so I've picked quit. As soon as I Alt+Tab out of the game and Windows stopped recording footage my controls went back to normal, how odd!

Edit: And for the record, I was not using my 5.1 save so.. that's a wasted effort :c

I dunno if some of you guys got a messed up version downloaded or what as I cannot replicate this bug at all. Maybe it's missing a file or something. I would advise to download and reinstall the game from scratch.

Grab it here:

Autor : BoMbErLiNk
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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Mr.Din Thu Nov 26, 2020 12:59 am

I haven't run into this bug either (yet) but I doubt anyone got a messed up version, there was only one download link.

I ran into the Dr.Dahm bug I think it has something to do with the position of the character exiting, it didn't happen to me the three other times I went on the route.

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Iceferno Thu Nov 26, 2020 1:10 am

Mr.Din wrote:I ran into the Dr.Dahm bug I think it has something to do with the position of the character exiting, it didn't happen to me the three other times I went on the route.
Same. When I was right by the exit that's when it wouldn't progress. I think the character needs to be able to walk across the scene.

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Final Crash Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:57 am

I noticed in Sormaker that in some mods there are problems with movement in some locations (the character cannot move further), the wrong name of the levels (in the HUNTER 2.0 mod)
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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Final Crash Thu Nov 26, 2020 6:16 am

Sometimes the game starts in window mode
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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  AnderGus Thu Nov 26, 2020 10:31 am

Iceferno wrote:
Mr.Din wrote:I ran into the Dr.Dahm bug I think it has something to do with the position of the character exiting, it didn't happen to me the three other times I went on the route.
Same. When I was right by the exit that's when it wouldn't progress. I think the character needs to be able to walk across the scene.

This has been mentioned before here in the forums. Maybe this probable issue of character positioning in the end of the scene has the same cause behind it that the cause of the bug of the character passing and ignoring Mr. X at all in the SoR1 route.

I must also say that I've never had any of these stage-ending/transitioning bugs up to now; and I've been trying vigorously to trigger them.

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Charco Thu Nov 26, 2020 12:16 pm

Mr.Din wrote:I doubt anyone got a messed up version, there was only one download link.

Ok then!! Smile

Autor : BoMbErLiNk
Grupo : BoMbErGaMeS
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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  bareknuckleroo Thu Nov 26, 2020 2:40 pm

AnderGus wrote:I must also say that I've never had any of these stage-ending/transitioning bugs up to now; and I've been trying vigorously to trigger them.

Bugs that only trigger intermittently and unreliably are some of the hardest to diagnose and resolve. Hopefully when the devs look in the map files there'll be some clue as to what could be causing it and it'll be an easy fix.

Youtube: BareKnuckleRoo   /   Twitch: BKRoo

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Security Thu Nov 26, 2020 3:01 pm

Even with the fully unlocked save-file, Mr.X refuses to fight me, in Sor1 route...

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Sshadow5001 Thu Nov 26, 2020 3:28 pm

Security wrote:Even with the fully unlocked save-file, Mr.X refuses to fight me, in Sor1 route...
Are you using the same character? Just wondering if maybe who you play as could be the culprit. Also do you have a quicksave of that stage? Maybe you could upload it and have someone else try it we can see if it happens to them.

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Security Thu Nov 26, 2020 3:47 pm

Sshadow5001 wrote:
Are you using the same character? Just wondering if maybe who you play as could be the culprit. Also do you have a quicksave of that stage? Maybe you could upload it and have someone else try it we can see if it happens to them.
Yes, same character. Max as always. But i think that might not be the culprit, since people encountering the exact same, or the similar to it bug, play with other characters. I am suspecting the video options, or my system/OS...

(i was using friendly player to aggressive AI though)

Last edited by Security on Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Miles Saintborough Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:22 pm

I'm gonna try again with different video options and see if anything happens. Will also be using cheats to breeze through the stage.
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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Security Thu Nov 26, 2020 5:39 pm

Possible bug

I started the game anew, from scratch. After downloading it once gain, just in case. I beat it in mania, i even got the achievement. But even though i beat Mr.X at the end of Sor2 route, i didn't get the secret best ending, but the regular one, instead. I started the game from Bloodknife (sor3?) route, then forked path led me to ship with big Bear (and proceeded to beat the entire game). Is that as intended? In order to get the best ending, you have to beat Sor1/2 route, but START at 1/2 route also?

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Miles Saintborough Thu Nov 26, 2020 7:18 pm

Welp, I fiddled with various settings and I'm still getting that SOR Mr. X bug. I noticed that as I go through the door, the button prompt to skip pops up. I think the game is treating the transition as going into a new map rather than just walking into the room.
Miles Saintborough
Miles Saintborough

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  xRainmakerRSx Thu Nov 26, 2020 7:51 pm

Did anyone else notice that!?!?! (in F3 filter ON) It is like a type of "x button" with twice the duration but you can do nothing, despite being hit by the enemy!

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  El Gambito Thu Nov 26, 2020 9:02 pm

I've redownloaded Charco's link and decided to use SShadow's complete save cuz I didn't feel like playing SoR1 route all over again so I've picked stage select to test things out and this time it stopped bugging and fought Mr. X

Decided to switch to Borderless Sync thinking that may have been it but nope, Mr X proceeded normally.

It could be that I was switching between my old 5.1 save back and forth that screwed my game but I can't say for certain. I would suggest doing a fresh install and either start a new save or use SShadow's 5.2 complete save. Tho worst case scenario maybe doing something during the complete SoR1 route triggers it, I will try doing a complete SoR1 run sometime later and report back if it screws up again.

Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 8_blaz11 Blaze luver <3 Max mainer and occassional Axel, Adam and Shiva player!
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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Sshadow5001 Thu Nov 26, 2020 9:15 pm

Miles Saintborough wrote:Welp, I fiddled with various settings and I'm still getting that SOR Mr. X bug. I noticed that as I go through the door, the button prompt to skip pops up. I think the game is treating the transition as going into a new map rather than just walking into the room.
You're getting the button prompt to skip popping up. That's interesting, it has never popped up for me. I remember cause I did a run with max and he's a slow walker so was hoping I could speed him up a bit. I wonder what's triggering that and in turn bugging the game.

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Sshadow5001 Thu Nov 26, 2020 9:16 pm

xRainmakerRSx wrote:Did anyone else notice that!?!?! (in F3 filter ON) It is like a type of "x button" with twice the duration but you can do nothing, despite being hit by the enemy!
F3 filter?

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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  Charco Thu Nov 26, 2020 9:16 pm

El Gambito wrote:I've redownloaded Charco's link...

and this time it stopped bugging and fought Mr. X

Decided to switch to Borderless Sync thinking that may have been it but nope, Mr X proceeded normally.

I would suggest doing a fresh install and either start a new save or use SShadow's 5.2 complete save.


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Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake V5.2 Glitches/Bugs List Thread

Post  bareknuckleroo Thu Nov 26, 2020 9:21 pm

Adding to the list:

Under the control settings, the Series (the last hit of your basic combo string) and Special Combo (that allows special input Blitzes) buttons accidentally had their labels swapped in 5.2. Series is actually Special Combo and vice-versa.

Youtube: BareKnuckleRoo   /   Twitch: BKRoo

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