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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Don Vecta Sat Dec 05, 2020 8:49 am

Weel, at least the mod for him using Shiva-2 looks so fine and plays accordingly.

Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Final Crash Sun Dec 06, 2020 5:15 am

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Sshadow5001 Sun Dec 06, 2020 8:32 am

Final Crash wrote:
Is it the snow elevation that caused it?

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Final Crash Sun Dec 06, 2020 8:40 am

Sshadow5001 wrote:
Final Crash wrote:
Is it the snow elevation that caused it?
No idea
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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Final Crash Sun Dec 06, 2020 11:34 am

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  bareknuckleroo Mon Dec 07, 2020 6:02 am

Just cleared SoR2 route on Mania as Elle, default lives:

Elle is now a low tier character in 5.2, perhaps even bottom tier. SoR3 Skate has much lower range on his basic combo, making it harder to safely initiate grabs, but SoR3 Skate has an invulnerable Offensive Special that does comparable damage to Elle's long-range but unsafe Offensive Special. SoR3 Skate also has the better defensive specials. Formerly, 5.1's damage values meant Elle's high delay, risky moveset often paid off since she output very respectable damage with her attacks. The nerf in 5.2 hurts hard, especially on her Blitzes; the only real way she can quickly rack up damage is by throws, where she notably lacks a slamming throw. Her 3 star is also one of the worst in the entire game due to its awful hitbox and the fact that its damage is actually equal to or worse than all her other Blitzes! Details on her moveset:

• Her standing combo sometimes doesn't properly stagger enemies long enough to deliver the final kick? It's weird, but the first 3 hits have respectable range, good for initiating combos. Her back attack is also decent for quick knockdowns. Unfortunately, many other characters beat her range, and have speed to go with it, making them even better at jab -> grab (Axel, Adam, Mr. X, Shiva, Zan). The damage on her standing combo is quite low, too.

• Elle's Defensive Special as always sucks on flying and jumping enemies. Damage has also been reduced. Offensive Special also deals way less damage, even if you hit at pointblank range with all the hits, making it a very poor way of using your gauge. Best usually to save it to Defensive Special out of stuff.

• The 3-Star Blitz is a contender for worst Blitz in the game (SoR3 Skate's lack of extreme diagonal movement he originally had in SoR3 makes his 2 and 3 Star Blitzes also quite bad). The hitbox has poor horizontal range and worse, the hitbox starts above and to the left of Elle, meaning she can actually get punched out of it by Mania enemies. The damage is atrocious too, doing equal or worse than her 0, 1, and 2 Star Blitzes. Its only advantage is quick recovery speed, but I found myself avoiding it thanks to the X Button Blitz setting. It just wasn't worth it. The 3-Star needs to have an active hitbox in front of (or around) Elle at all times and deal more damage to be worthwhile. The 2-Star's additional delay, apparently to prevent spamming it according to the changelog, is another highly questionable change, given her considerable damage nerfs.

• Elle's grabs are the best way of rapidly damaging enemies. Her jump kicks also have decent priority, but the hitboxes on all 3 of her jump attacks are rather high, and make it hard to hit low enemies. In particular, the SoR2 claw guys like Zamza are very hard to hit out of their spinning attack (down+attack in midair hits them out of their slide, though). Grab chaining works in 5.2 still, where enemies won't attack you very briefly after you throw, so you can keep running up and throwing enemies one after another if a bunch are nearby.

• Elle's jumpkicks have a hard time hitting Jets, but there's far worse jump attacks out there. Running jump kicks are the safest way to hit Abadede, whose running punch that can eat over half your health seems to beat all of her Blitzes, including the 2 Star!

• No slamming throws hurts badly on key fights such as kangaroo battles, Blaze clones, or Orihime & Yasha. Kangaroo jump attacks beat Elle's, making it difficult for her to approach them. She also struggles against enemies who block, and she tends to just get smacked out of her attacks. Clever use of grabs or jump attacks is key on enemies like Barbon.

• Her knife and sword use are pretty decent. Sword Blitz has enormous range, and Knife Blitz is pretty worthwhile, too.

• Even with her "use-anywhere" Police Special, Elle is definitely low tier. I don't think she'd be considered worst in the game (usually SoR3 Skate is there due to his poor range and damage), but she's far too weak now to be worth all the risk her moved have. I could not find anything reliable to use on Shiva aside from trading hits with him hoping the Offensive Special would take a small bit of health off, and using her Police Special whenever I had one.

Elle really needs her damage back to make her low speed gimmick worthwhile. Before, it made her risky moves feel worthwhile when they connected, even if you got punished a bit during their recovery, but now it just feels like you're constantly struggling with Elle, and she's basically just a character you play for the challenge of it more than anything else.

Youtube: BareKnuckleRoo   /   Twitch: BKRoo

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Final Crash Mon Dec 07, 2020 3:55 pm

I know what can make the new versions of SORR perfect - this is an improvement in the balance of the characters (no nerf) - also return the Axels from 5.0 (They are fine there). In 5.0, the characters did not suffer from imbalances. Adding various graphic filters to choose from, adding some locations from SORR V4, correcting moments with hitboxes (you can make a separate option - when any enemies can repel any player's attack (as an additional challenge)), add the ability to play without a timer and a scale at the same time, the ability change the names of the characters in the editor, add items to the pause menu - save and load.Adding Super Shiva, allow the player to customize the arenas for survival and boss battles at his discretion, as well as the ability to choose different locations for this, the return of Break from SOR3, allow Mr X (boss) to use the same features as the player (Mr X) - customize in the AI ​​editor.
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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Final Crash Mon Dec 07, 2020 4:02 pm

I didn't really like Shiva from SOR2 in 5.2 - his special attacks are very weak, unlike the version from SOR3. However, earlier when there were no problems with hitboxes, his special technique had an advantage. His special blow pierced all enemies. But now, when enemies can penetrate almost any character's attacks, it has ceased to be an advantage.
Final Crash
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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Final Crash Mon Dec 07, 2020 4:12 pm

Oh yes. Using all cheats in Survival mode and Boss Rush
Final Crash
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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Security Mon Dec 07, 2020 4:20 pm

Final Crash wrote:Oh yes. Using all cheats in Survival mode and Boss Rush
If you use cheats, the survival score doesn't qualify, right? I changed Enemy AI from the editor and i got a zero digits, D rank (probably crippling enemies counts as cheating).

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Final Crash Mon Dec 07, 2020 4:25 pm

Security wrote:
Final Crash wrote:Oh yes. Using all cheats in Survival mode and Boss Rush
If you use cheats, the survival score doesn't qualify, right? I changed Enemy AI from the editor and i got a zero digits, D rank (probably crippling enemies counts as cheating).

It seems like yes. I'd really like every defeated enemy to explode in Survival Mode or Boss Rush
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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Final Crash Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:05 am

Oh yeah. I did it. Now the Survival mode in 5.2 is done forever Smile
Final Crash
Final Crash

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  bareknuckleroo Tue Dec 08, 2020 3:13 pm

> be me
> playing SoR1 route, getting tired, last run of the night
> get to the end with 9 lives stocked on Mania, nice
> "kangaroo mob takeover ending, let's do this"
> forget to spawn a second player until after the cutscene starts, player 2 can't spawn mid speech, oops
> annoyed that I screwed up getting the "you are the boss" ending, accidentally pick the option that sends you back to stage 6
> ragequit

Youtube: BareKnuckleRoo   /   Twitch: BKRoo

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  AnderGus Tue Dec 08, 2020 7:21 pm

bareknuckleroo wrote:> be me
> playing SoR1 route, getting tired, last run of the night
> get to the end with 9 lives stocked on Mania, nice
> "kangaroo mob takeover ending, let's do this"
> forget to spawn a second player until after the cutscene starts, player 2 can't spawn mid speech, oops
> annoyed that I screwed up getting the "you are the boss" ending, accidentally pick the option that sends you back to stage 6
> ragequit

What a damn situation, hehe! But, well, who hasn't ever gone through something like this? (Me, some three or four times. Rolling Eyes)

But, hey, just to confirm: you know that, for getting the bad ending, you can use the level select for getting to the SoR1 stage 8, don' you?

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  bareknuckleroo Tue Dec 08, 2020 10:11 pm

Now that I think about it, I think the Mania ending would've overriden the special mob boss ending, right? Oh well!

Youtube: BareKnuckleRoo   /   Twitch: BKRoo

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Final Crash Wed Dec 09, 2020 12:22 am

I think there should also be an option that adds support for gamepads for both players at once Smile
Final Crash
Final Crash

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Sshadow5001 Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:00 am

bareknuckleroo wrote:> be me
> playing SoR1 route, getting tired, last run of the night
> get to the end with 9 lives stocked on Mania, nice
> "kangaroo mob takeover ending, let's do this"
> forget to spawn a second player until after the cutscene starts, player 2 can't spawn mid speech, oops
> annoyed that I screwed up getting the "you are the boss" ending, accidentally pick the option that sends you back to stage 6
> ragequit

When you forgot to spawn second player you should have just closed the game. That would have nullified the Mania ending and given you a second chance are Roo Bad Ending.

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Final Crash Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:22 am

It would be great to see an option in the future - bike explosion options (either as in 5.0-5.1 or as in classic games) Smile
Final Crash
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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Final Crash Thu Dec 10, 2020 6:03 am

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Final Crash Thu Dec 10, 2020 6:04 am

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Final Crash

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Blackblade34 Sat Dec 12, 2020 2:00 am

Charco wrote:Yes! I just downloaded from the link posted in the video comments a few minutes ago.

Download it here:

This is awesome! There's a brand new intro and everything is now in 16:9 widescreen! I just configured my controller, the menu layout has been updated and stuff is easier to find I think. Checking out the Sorr route, this has that new Water Fountain stage shown in the video! I love the new music!

I'll post here my thoughts as I have them! Very Happy

I've re-edited this wonderful up-lifting track and also extended it a little bit, but I am telling you this music
is absolutely awesome the best! Who's agree with me??? Very Happy Very Happy


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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Krizalid Mon Dec 14, 2020 7:38 pm

Why oh why was Max nerfed? He was the only SOR2 character I minded using (I have pause delay on Combined so he and Skate were the only two I could use on Mania)

Just checked and Max's 2 and 3 star moves lost range and invincibility frames. His slide also seems to have lost a hit. And, for some reason, he seems even slower. Then again, maybe it's just the enemies are faster, because Adam seems unbelievably slow to me now too. I'll have to unlock everything else, but I don't know why they would make the game harder AND nerf my favorites, Max and Blaze SOR3. Maybe there is a way to get the 5.1 versions of those two back? Very Happy

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  bareknuckleroo Mon Dec 14, 2020 8:09 pm

Max's 2 Star's full invulnerability was just silly. Giving a repeatedly spammable move full i-frames on a character who already deals extraordinary amounts of damage and already has a very solid 0 Star Blitz for rushing in and grabbing enemies was almost certainly broken. It's the major reason he was the first known character to have done Mania deathless and you can see the 2 Star gets spammed aggressively to make full use of the i-frames. He's still a high tier, difficult to use character in 5.2, it's just that he's no longer MAX TIER, easy to use thanks to the 2 Star.

I do think they should have left the range on it as is and perhaps just removed the invulnerability, still woulda traded hits well.

Adam always had a relatively slow walking speed, this isn't really different from before. He's still got fantastic pokes, is definitely high tier material, and his new 2 Star is still very decent. SoR3 Blaze isn't nerfed at all either, not sure what you're referring to but she is functionally identical to previous versions.

Enemies frankly don't feel all that different in 5.2, I'm convinced people are seeing changes that aren't there. There's several enemies with minor adjustments to weaken them such as the trucker enemy being less aggressive on wakeup and kickboxers being slower, and the one major enemy upgrade being SoR1 Signals.

Youtube: BareKnuckleRoo   /   Twitch: BKRoo

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  Security Mon Dec 14, 2020 8:16 pm

bareknuckleroo wrote:Max's 2 Star's full invulnerability was just silly. Giving a repeatedly spammable move full i-frames on a character who already deals extraordinary amounts of damage and already has a very solid 0 Star Blitz for rushing in and grabbing enemies was almost certainly broken. It's the major reason he was the first known character to have done Mania deathless and you can see the 2 Star gets spammed aggressively to make full use of the i-frames. He's still a high tier, difficult to use character in 5.2, it's just that he's no longer MAX TIER, easy to use thanks to the 2 Star.

I do think they should have left the range on it as is and perhaps just removed the invulnerability, still woulda traded hits well.

Adam always had a relatively slow walking speed, this isn't really different from before. He's still got fantastic pokes, is definitely high tier material, and his new 2 Star is still very decent. SoR3 Blaze isn't nerfed at all either, not sure what you're referring to but she is functionally identical to previous versions.

Enemies frankly don't feel all that different in 5.2, I'm convinced people are seeing changes that aren't there. There's several enemies with minor adjustments to weaken them such as the trucker enemy being less aggressive on wakeup and kickboxers being slower, and the one major enemy upgrade being SoR1 Signals.

They shouldn't add vulnerability to player moves that didn't have any, or tamper with range... I am very sad with modern Max. Survival used to be a breeze, now it's a game over. And even though i never mained Elle, i sure as hell agree with those nagging about her changes, too! I always liked "cheese"/imba/OP stuff, in my games. I am allergic to "balance" and nerf.

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Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here! - Page 16 Empty Re: Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 is here!

Post  bareknuckleroo Mon Dec 14, 2020 8:21 pm

Max never had 2 or 3 Star Blitzes to begin with so there's no expectation or precedent of how they're supposed to perform. They made him unintentionally overpowered by giving one of his spammable moves full i-frames, and the nerf appears to be done just to correct that. Perfectly reasonable, imo.

It's not like the minor nerf is less authentic to the original SoR2 or anything, and even then, they've already made adjustment to characters' original movesets (Zan/Roo/Ash) to flesh them out and make them much more playable (Zan's original 2 and 3 Star Blitzes were particularly horrendous, Roo couldn't quickly release front grabs safely in SoR3, etc). I get that people got used to Max being the absolute top tier overpowered character in 5.0 and 5.1 because of his absurd 2 Star, but it's not as if he's suddenly bad without it!

Youtube: BareKnuckleRoo   /   Twitch: BKRoo

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