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Sound Effect Modding Tutorial

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Sound Effect Modding Tutorial Empty Sound Effect Modding Tutorial

Post  BigDarsh Fri Feb 21, 2014 5:40 pm

Here is an in-depth analysis of the sound effects adress of SoRRv5/v5.0a

First you need to know that it is complex and kind of limited since you can't change adress. The only thing you can do is change a sound effect by another.

That's why having a very good knowledge of the Sound Effect's adress is needed if you don't want your mod to be "messy". (My database will help you to get this knowledge).

Download : Click here to get it!
You need the free open source software "Open Office" to read it.

to mod: create a data folder under the path of the game.
C:\Program Files\SoRRv5\data
if the data folder is empty, SoRRv5 will play his default sound.
if the data folder contains wav file with the right name, it will have precedence and the game will trigger it.

Example: I put only one file in my data folder and I've named it "se33.wav"
The game will play normally, but each time an opponent will block my attack, I will hear my custom sound effect since se33.wav is the adress of the "block atk impact".
Simple no?

Let's start with the 3 types of Sound Effect that SoRR features:

  • Sound Effect "noise" (SeN)
  • Sound Effect "Voice" (SeV)
  • Sound Effect "Impact" (SeImp)

This is very imporant to know about those 3 types to avoid overlay. If a sound effect voice is triggered by one character (playable or not), it will be cut off if another sev is triggered for that character, but not be cut off by another type of se (sen or seimp) for that character.

do Right Right Button B with Axel: it will trigger "Gran Upper" SeV. If it connect, it will trigger SeImp for Grand Upper without cuting off the SeV. Both sounds will play normally, noone interfere with the other.

do X  Down  Left  Right  with Adam: it will trigger "Adam Attack" SeV twice "oulia!" x2. That means the first one will be cut off by the second one if the digit is too long. That's why in the AvP Mod, Adam says "Eat This!" and when you perform the blitz 3 he says "Eat Th-Eat This!"

I hope this example is clear enough to show you some limitation of the sound modding.

I-Air Whip (SeN) (Difficult)


II/-Sound effect impact (easy)


Important: SoR2 or SoR3 option se setting affect the adress of SeImp (and only SeImp!).
I've now understand what the setting define and here is the explanation.

This is the breakdown (featured in my table of course)
Mook Impact Set: (both setting)

Hero Impact Set: (SoR2 setting /SoR3 setting):

Shiva Impact Set: (both settings)

Main Impact Set: (both settings)

Unique Impact Set: (both settings)

Weird Impact Set: (both settings)

And that's all for SeImp. If you want an in depth data base for SeImp, download my table (sheet4 for a quick index of SeImp, use sheet5 playable character SeImp, use sheet7 for mook SeImp and Sheet8 for boss SeImp) but you already know everything you need to mod the SeImp of SoRRv5/v5.0a

III-Sound Effect Voice: (Medium)
Most of them are very easy to mod and other are a bit tricky. I will speak in depth about what is tricky in the tutorial. First let start with SeV that are not being found or unused
Unused Adress: (according to chan1522 data file)

Unfound: (it used by the game for something according to chan1522 data file)

SeV are triggered each time your character do an attack (main string exclude) or die.
My table Sheet3 is the best thing to mod playable character sev so download it first and just make your mod by following the chart but be sure to double check the "green spoiler tag" of the tutorial (those can make your mods messy).

Death Type:
SoR1/2 Bosses use sev2. Always. (Shiva 2 Boss Included)
SoR3 Bosses use sev24. Always. (Shiva 3 Player and Shiva 2 Player Also).


SoRRv5 Mooks use sev23. Always.
They are Truckers, Cody, Slash.


Girls Mook/bosses use seblaze1. Always. (Blaze 3 Player, Elle Player, Rudra Player/Boss, Ash Player/Boss too).

All others Mooks use a random set: sev1, sev2, sev12, sev13, sev22
Each time one of those guy dies, they pick one of those 5 sev randomly to be triggered.
Plus sev2 is already used for SoR1/2 Bosses. That's why it is tricky but here is my recommandation


2 Specific Death sounds for Vehelits and Roo:
roo2 and vehelits2 .


As seen with death type sev, sharing property is something that can be annoying, despite we can bypass limitation with creativity. Most sev are only used by one character and that's a very good thing. They are some exceptions though and I will go in depth here (death type have already been covered so just sum up).
I strongly recommand to modder to double check every green spoiler tag (they are tricky to mod!) when they have finish their sound data folder

Death Type: (Mook/Bosses)

One sev = one character: Piece of cake to mod! (use my table Sheet6)
this list mostly affect SoR1/2 Mooks and Bosses.  If all the game was like that, no tutorial needed!
Just pick the digit you want for the mook you want! The main problem come from SoR3 Boss/Mook!

Not so Tricky:
Those are used by more than one character but it is still easy to mod as long as you go with the theme.

Those tends to be overused but without any theme linking theme! (except SoR3...)

Character Tricky:
Most Character (player) sev are only used by themself, just use my table (Sheet3), but beware of this list!


Bk3 vs SoR3:
Never forget that SoRR voice option affect some sev (and only SeV). Use my table (Sheet3/6) and all will be ok!
SoR3 setting is poorer than Bk3 setting. Ninja3 use a Yamato voice digit for "teleport" (asian theme) in Bk3 setting, while Ninja3 use the OverUsed sev37 voice digit for "teleport" (SoR3 theme) in SoR3 setting.

IV-Sound Effect Noise: (Difficult)

This is the last chapter of the tutorial and it is the hardest se type to mod, but the most interesting too! First, SoRR option setting does not affect SeN. (SoRR Se Setting affect SeImp / SoR Voice Setting affect SeV). No trick on this!

Let's structure this.
Unfound: (but used by the game according to the data file)

Unused Adress: (according to the data file)

Generic SeN:
"Air Whip", as already said in the begining of the tutorial are the most overused SeN of the whole game. Here is an in depth breakdown of "Air Whip" for strike, move (dash, jump, roll) and weapon, plus the generic Knockdown sound effect (when a character "kiss" concrete!).


Now we've seen everything that is generic, let's go into the specific part of the faq (since this is what is really interesting to mod) but first remember this

Reminder: Sev+SeN+SeImp for the same character can be triggered all in the same time (no cut off).

That means if an attack feature both a SeV and SeN they will be both triggered even if it do not connect!

Gun/Machine Gun/Tommy Gun/Bazooka: (All you ever dream to know!)

SeN Funny to mod:
This list is very easy to mod!

Break Item SeN: (some trick here)

SeN: Sharing Property (Player/Mook/Boss)

GUI and Ambient: (For giving an identity to your mod or your stage)
Easy to Mod and No Conflict here! (Use my table Sheet2, or this breakdown)

Murphy: (All you ever dream to know!)
Few sharing property

The Most Tricky Sound Effect of The Game:
se40 is a generic "wood break" SeN (trolley, wood box etc, use my table sheet2) but it is also used as an SeImp for Max Pipe Blitz, and for the 1st and last hit of Skate2/3 Pipe Blitz!
Very hard to mod. Never mess with that!

Modding SoRRv5/v5.0a Sound:
All those sounds can't be triggered in SoRMaker, but they occurs in Vanilla. Not tricky to mod, and fun if you like playing the original game!
Maybe some of those sounds can be triggered in SoRMaker, please feedback if so!


And that's all folks.

Sound Effect Modding Tutorial AvpiSound Effect Modding Tutorial Avp06
Now you can make some amazing Sound Modding for Ass Kicking Purpose!

Last edited by BigDarsh on Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:59 am; edited 11 times in total

Streets of Rage : Game vs Lore Analysis avaible here
"Back in our day, even real life didn't have graphics this good.
Back in our day, you had one sound effect for 20 things, and you came to love that sound effect.
Back in our day... Streets of Rage - the Classic - the Original - was the best damn game out there."


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Join date : 2013-03-14

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Sound Effect Modding Tutorial Empty Re: Sound Effect Modding Tutorial

Post  Don Vecta Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:29 pm

This is a nice guide. Glad someone stepped into making it properly.

The one I made for my Double Dragon II mod was basically trial and error, and yes, for example, Cody is Williams in my mod, so I gave him the special death scream that only Williams has in DDII (something like WAAAAP!), I think wasn't a problem that this effect affected the Trucker since he's roleplaying Right Hand, and Right Hand never had a specific death scream in DDII for NES. Very Happy

My gripe was that the other enemy characters were randomized in voices, the death screams of Roper, O'Hara, Chin Taimei and Burnov were randomized among my enemies... I put the Burnov death scream as sev2 since fits well for big boss enemies (like the Bongos roleplaying Burnov or the R.Bear in the role of Abore).

The lulz part was about my Ash, whose girlie laugh was changed into a grunt of Abobo, but his death scream was DD1's Linda, lol!

I tried to put most of the DD1 and 2 effects in the mod, some sounds were still missing but guess it was deep enough to make one.

Actually... it is possible to get a sound data for my Rushing Beat mod? Or possible to get the whole SE collection? I could arrange the sounds myself, you know, just for completion purposes.

Sound Effect Modding Tutorial Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
Don Vecta
Don Vecta

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Sound Effect Modding Tutorial Empty Re: Sound Effect Modding Tutorial

Post  BigDarsh Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:58 pm

Yeah lol, Ash use seblaze1 (generic girl death too) but I like the Abobo custom laugh you've made! XD

For your question, I'm not sure if I have understand it well, do you want the SoRRv5 sound data chart for upgrading your rushing beat mod or do you want the sound effect (wav files) of rushing beat (original game)?

If you want the SoRRv5 table, I'm currently cleaning it to make it easy of use, (uploading tonight) if you want the rushing beat wav files collection, I think you have to rip it with something (I don't know if zsens can do that, i know kawaks and gens can...)

Off topic: I'm currently splitting Adam Story pack in several file due to anonfiles size limitation. It will take time to upload but I will do it (I hope it will be done in few hours).

Streets of Rage : Game vs Lore Analysis avaible here
"Back in our day, even real life didn't have graphics this good.
Back in our day, you had one sound effect for 20 things, and you came to love that sound effect.
Back in our day... Streets of Rage - the Classic - the Original - was the best damn game out there."


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Sound Effect Modding Tutorial Empty Re: Sound Effect Modding Tutorial

Post  Don Vecta Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:03 pm

Well, if you can do the data file, would be incredible (and definitely you'd be credited if you do).

Thanks a lot for the uploads, BTW.

Sound Effect Modding Tutorial Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
Don Vecta
Don Vecta

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Sound Effect Modding Tutorial Empty Re: Sound Effect Modding Tutorial

Post  BigDarsh Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:31 pm

I've upload the chart on my skydrive!161

To read the data, you need openoffice (free source, I hate microsoft :p ).

Sheet1: Global Index (SeN / SeImp / SeV)
One Sound Name => One Event
The blue lines are unidentified se (used by the game according to the data file)
The red lines are adress not used by the game (according to the data file)
The yellow line is a sound effect that make the game crash!

Sheet2: Quick Index per theme
It will help modder. All sen link to the GUI, all sen link to "Murphy", all sen link to "gun" etc etc

Sheet3: Playable character data base (SeN and SeV)

Sheet4: Quick Index SeImp (SeImp)

Sheet5: In depth Se Imp flow chart for Playable Characters

Sheet6: Mook and boss data base (Sev)

Sheet7: In depth SeImp flow chart for Mooks

Sheet8: In depth SeImp flow char for Bosses

Sheet9: In depth data base for Mook and Bosses (SeN)

Streets of Rage : Game vs Lore Analysis avaible here
"Back in our day, even real life didn't have graphics this good.
Back in our day, you had one sound effect for 20 things, and you came to love that sound effect.
Back in our day... Streets of Rage - the Classic - the Original - was the best damn game out there."


Posts : 336
Join date : 2013-03-14

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Sound Effect Modding Tutorial Empty Re: Sound Effect Modding Tutorial

Post  BigDarsh Sat Feb 22, 2014 2:00 pm

Sorry for double Posting, it is just to announce that this tutorial is Finish!
(Still have to work on the other one about battle design).

Feedback would be very much appreciated if:

  • You found a sound adress referred as "unfound" in the data base or in the "tutorial"
  • You found a sound in the "Modding SoRRv5/5.0 Vanilla game" that can be triggered in SoRMaker.

Thank you.

Streets of Rage : Game vs Lore Analysis avaible here
"Back in our day, even real life didn't have graphics this good.
Back in our day, you had one sound effect for 20 things, and you came to love that sound effect.
Back in our day... Streets of Rage - the Classic - the Original - was the best damn game out there."


Posts : 336
Join date : 2013-03-14

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Sound Effect Modding Tutorial Empty Re: Sound Effect Modding Tutorial

Post  Don Vecta Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:48 pm

Awesome! Very detailed and anyone could make good use of it.

Sound Effect Modding Tutorial Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
Don Vecta
Don Vecta

Posts : 1880
Join date : 2013-01-10

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Sound Effect Modding Tutorial Empty Re: Sound Effect Modding Tutorial

Post  6566328 Mon Jun 02, 2014 4:29 pm

Hi, BigDarsh, I need your help, how much is the biker's heavy attack impact, his name is storm


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Sound Effect Modding Tutorial Empty Re: Sound Effect Modding Tutorial

Post  BigDarsh Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:17 am

Almost all se impact are generic, which mean storm heavy attack impact is used by a lot of characters (mostly mook and bosses in this case though)

Table sheet 7 is the mook attack impact set

According to my data base, the Straight Punch of Storm is Seg9 which is very famous for Antonio Signature move: Side Kick!
Is also famous in SoRR for Ninja SoR2 jumping punch Wink

Hope this help

Streets of Rage : Game vs Lore Analysis avaible here
"Back in our day, even real life didn't have graphics this good.
Back in our day, you had one sound effect for 20 things, and you came to love that sound effect.
Back in our day... Streets of Rage - the Classic - the Original - was the best damn game out there."


Posts : 336
Join date : 2013-03-14

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Sound Effect Modding Tutorial Empty Re: Sound Effect Modding Tutorial

Post  6566328 Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:41 am

BigDarsh wrote:Almost all se impact are generic, which mean storm heavy attack impact is used by a lot of characters (mostly mook and bosses in this case though)

Table sheet 7 is the mook attack impact set

According to my data base, the Straight Punch of Storm is Seg9 which is very famous for Antonio Signature move: Side Kick!
Is also famous in SoRR for Ninja SoR2 jumping punch Wink

Hope this help
Thx, because my English is very poor, so..... Thanks to your help


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Sound Effect Modding Tutorial Empty Re: Sound Effect Modding Tutorial

Post  6566328 Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:51 am

I came again, Shiva def special, no sound, has its address?


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Sound Effect Modding Tutorial Empty Re: Sound Effect Modding Tutorial

Post  weealls Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:45 pm

I was wondering if someone could help me. I'm looking for a particular sound effect and just dont know the right places to look. I'm looking for Sound effects from the Castlevania Dracula X game for the SNES. Its actually Dracula's Laugh that I'm looking for. I cant even record it because theres no sound test in the game as far as I know and obviously I dont want to record the laugh during the final battle because it will also include the music and background noises with it. This video will help people know the laugh I'm looking for. Even if it's not the exact laugh but something very similar, that would be great. Thanks!

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Sound Effect Modding Tutorial Empty Re: Sound Effect Modding Tutorial

Post  Zhinkairi Fri Nov 20, 2020 7:01 pm

I think we've moved to v5.2 edition.

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