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[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1)

Don Vecta
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[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Empty [Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1)

Post  Charco Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:16 pm

*Original post by DeusX87 with contributions from the SorR community.

I haven't seen anyone do a straight tutorial on layer properties, yet.  So, I decided to not only do a tutorial on what they do, but to also provide some small insight on their significance in general.  I've only seen people take glimpses into these features around the forum and I thought it would be a good idea to actual pool them together into one straightforward tutorial.

I will admit, however, that I am not entirely certain on all of the layer properties, and I am hoping someone can throw in their two cents so I can include those here.  Hopefully, this tutorial at the end of the day can alleviate some questions or confusion.

[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Tuto1_zps6w1yfchy

1.  Police Assist
Both, Car, Helicopter, None
Sets the usable police assist for the corresponding scene.  Selecting both obviously means both are available -- the helicopter will be available at the start of a scene, whereas the car will be used as the scene goes on (at least from my experience with the game).

Car means that the car can only be used, pretty much meaning it cannot be used at the beginning of a scene.  Helicopters can be used at any point during a stage.  And of course, none means no assist can be used except by characters that have specials that replace the police.

Also keep in mind that deciding whether to use a helicopter or car can correspond to the theme of a stage.  If your scene takes place on a pirate ship, it would look kind of silly for a car to go driving through it as opposed to a helicopter swooping in and wiping out the deck.  The helicopter is also useful if the car generally looks ridiculous driving through the scene anyway.

2.  Scroll Type
Scroll Left, Scroll Right, Diagonal Left, Vehicle Left, Vehicle Right, Elevator, Boat Left, Boat Right
Selecting Scroll Left means that you will always be moving to the right side of the screen to advance through the stage.  Scroll Right means you will be moving in the opposite direction to advance through the scene.

Diagonal Left seems to be the most troublesome scroll type.  What *should* happen is that you can move down (but not up) at given points in a scene.  But, oddly enough, this scrolling seems to be all over the place if not toyed with enough.  However, that's pretty much what it does...allows you to move downwards in a scene.

Vehicle Left and Right are the same as Scroll Left and Right, except the screen will shake periodically to give the impression you're in a moving vehicle, such as a truck or a train.

Elevator turns that particular scene into an elevator.  How long the elevator travels depends entirely on the length of the tallest layer in the scene.  You have to also set layer properties for the layers themselves in a particular fashion or else the elevators won't work.  I'll get more into that later.

Boat Left and Right are still the same as the former, except the main layer and the other layers move up and down opposite each other to give the impression you are on a moving boat.  You may want to be careful with some of your layers as they can move up or down so far that you'll see empty space above and below them.  If you're a stickler for detail, you may want to edit in some extra details on those layers so you don't see that empty space in the end.

3. Go to Scene
Auto, Scene 1 - 16
Auto means you'll automatically go to the next scene once you reach the end of a particular scene.  Choosing either Scenes 1 - 16 means you'll go to any of those scenes instead.  However, using the "Walking To" Exit type will automatically transport you to the next scene no matter what you choose.

4. Free Roam
As of right now, I am totally stumped on what this one does.  Sometimes, it's grayed out.  Sometimes, it isn't.  And when it's not grayed out and I try to use it, I can't spot any differences that it makes or dictates.  If anyone has any idea what this does, let me know, because even I want to understand what it is.

Edit: It seems that this allows free roam during elevator sequences, but it's somewhat bugged and doesn't work as what was intended.

5.  Ground Reflection
Dictates whether or not ground reflections are in the scene.  This is useful if you want to give the impression that the scene takes place on glass, marble, ice, or any reflective surface.

6.  Background Reflections
This icon allows the transparent layers from the main scroller to cast a reflection like if there was glass or any other reflective surface. It was seriously bugged in any version of SORR pre-v5.1. Now it works as intended.

7.  Background Shadows/Reflections on ground.
No, Shadow, Reflected
Shadow means the main layer will cast a shadow of the immediate background over itself, which is useful if you want to give the impression of a sunset or what have you.  The top boundary (the blue line on the map) determines which part of the main layer starts casting a shadow.  Reflected is the same thing, except instead of just a silhouette of the background, it reflects it the same as 5 reflects the characters.

8. Shadow Centering
Mirror Left, Mirror Right, Center, *Up Left, *Up Right, Up *Center.
Mirror Left makes shadows slant to the left.  Mirror Right slants them to the right.  And center points shadows right down the center. 
*V5.1 introduced shadows cast from down to up and in its direction. Somehow the feature is still bugged regarding size or the shadow, though.

If you rip a lot of your maps from other games, you may notice that some of them have maps where the perspective usually points in a particular direction.  If you're a stickler for details, you may want your shadows pointing in the direction of that map's perspective.  It would be kind of jarring to encounter a map where its perspective is going to the left with shadows pointing to the right.

9.  Scene Entrance Type
Walking, Running, From Police, Drop Down, Position
Walking simply means that your character(s) will walk into the scene from offscreen as normal.

Running means the characters will run onto the scene.  Maybe the characters were running from something in the previous scene, or are surprised to find something as they arrive?

From Police makes the police car drive straight in from offscreen and the characters jump out.  The car is also capable of killing any enemies that happen to be right in front of it as it arrives on the scene. Be wary that the characters will jump out from the car in a certain high area from the map, so if your horizon or your map is too low, your character might get stuck in green, so be careful.
Also note that using this entrance will reset your score to 0 if used anywhere but Stage 1, Scene 1.  This was a bug in v5.0, fixed from v5.0a onwards.

Drop Down makes the characters drop from the ceiling as if they have just have just used a life.  Note that this will knock down all enemies on the screen as the round starts.

Position means the characters will start off in the spot that's specified by the creator.  This is useful if any other entrance just looks off-putting and ridiculous (like having characters walk through a wall).  This may also be one of your only options if the scene in question has a green collision near the bottom of the map, as your characters may get stuck when using any of the other entrances (except Drop Down).

10.  Scene Exit Type
Default, Walking To, Instant Exit, Jump, Diagonal
Default will have your characters just walk offscreen.  Pretty straightforward.

Walking To will make your characters walk to a specified point on the screen.  This is useful if you want to show that your character is trying to go to a particular place between two scenes. Note that this option cannot be used on any scenes that are higher than the usual height (usually 240 pixels), so if you plan to have a "Diagonal Left" stage, you'll have to use another Exit Type for it.

Instant Exit will simply transition you straight to the next scene as soon as all the enemies are cleared and you're at the end of the map.

Jump will make your character jump as they approach the very end of the map

Diagonal is the same as Default, except the character will walk a bit downwards as they are walking offscreen. Maybe your character is trying to go somewhere in particular as they are walking offscreen?

Note that, on elevators, only Instant Exit will work no matter which Exit Type you choose.

11. Visual Effects
None, Fire, Disco, Water
Fire gives your scene a flickering red lighting effect, which could be used to show that the environment is on fire or there is an alert happening (to name a few possibilities).

Disco gives your scene the effect of the obligatory strobe lights found in discos and raves.  They don't have to be used in disco and rave scenes if you're really clever with it, but that's probably what they'll most likely be used for.

Water simply gives the scene a ripple effect.  Clever uses can include portals, surreal realities, maybe dream sequences, etc.

12.  Color Palette (from Don Vecta's explanation)
No, Red Palette, Color Palette

Add palette rotation to certain areas.

This function causes the areas designated with the color 128 0 0 (a dark maroon color) to rotate in either a red pulsating style or a colorful rainbow palette. This is useful to make animated colorful billboards or danger areas without using your animated layers.
Number 12 indeed needs a 8-bit fpg. And to make a proper 8-bit palette, let's follow the next steps.

1) Create a fpg at 16-bit.
2) Add your layers as normally, save.
3) Extract your layers in .bmp file type and make sure the area you need pulsating has this range color.
4) After testing and/or putting the areas with this RGB 128 0 0 scheme, SAVE your .bmp (tip using photoshop: save it with the SAVE option, not with the SAVE AS, this is obviously if you didn't add extra layers or alter you .bmp file but only in the color).
5) DELETE the layers inside your fpg and substitute them with the .bmp files you just modified. Save.
6) Then convert your fpg into 8-bit. Top menu. FPG > convertir a.../convert into... > FPG 8 bits (blahblahblah). Save and test.

If everything goes well, the areas you colored as 128 0 0 will be pulsating in a gamma of red and black with the Red Palette tab on or in oscillating rainbow colors with the Color Palette one.

If not, then go back to step 3 (skip 6, your fpg should be already on 8 bits) and try again, extract your layers and see if your .bmp files are not corrupted, remember, must be .bmp at 16 bit color.

13. Ground Type
None, Sand, Snow, Ice, Water
Sand will make characters give off footprints as if they were walking though sand.

Snow is pretty much the same as sand, except the footprints left behind are a little lighter in color.

Ice makes the surface slippery so your character can slide a bit while moving around.

Water makes the environment seem submerged underwater, so as you're jumping around and moving about, your movement is slowed and you'll splash when you hit the ground from a jump or a fall.

14.  Max Enemies Onscreen
1 Enemy - 10 Enemies
Dictates how many enemies are allowed on the screen at once.  At first, you may be immediately tempted to use "10" right away, since everyone seems to want to fight entire armies all at once.  However, you should really only use 10 if your scene really needs it.  In most cases (i.e. "in early stages or your mod"), about 4-to-6 enemies is reasonable.  Not to say you can clever it up a bit with, say, 1-to-2 enemies on screen at once.

15. Max Enemies Per Wave
1 Enemy - 10 Enemies
Dictates how many enemies will appear on screen after the initial wave of every round is cleared.  You may want to start a round off with a bunch of enemies all at once and then ease back into more relaxed rounds of enemies to allow the player a breathing period.

16. When To Begin the Next Round
Less Than 1 - Less Than 10
Dictates when to initiate the next round of enemies.  For instance, you may want the next round to appear if there are only 2 or 3 enemies left standing from the last round.  This is useful if you are, say, on an elevator, and you want to keep the action going at all times.

[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Tuto2_zps3nzv8vvx

17. Scroll Direction
Auto, Scroll X, Scroll Y, Auto Left, Auto Right, Auto Up, Auto Down, No Move
Auto simply means this layer moves and behaves normally when moving about.

Scroll X means that the layer will only be able to move left and right, and cannot go up or down.

Scroll Y is the same thing, except the other way around.

Auto Left makes the layer auto scroll to the left of the screen.  Your character may be on a train or in a moving vehicle, and this option completes that effect.

Auto Right is the same thing, except the layer scrolls to the right of the screen.

Auto Up is the same as the above, but the layer will scroll upwards instead.  This works for elevators but it seems to be more of a headache to use than Auto Down.

Auto Down is, again, the same, except the layer will scroll downwards.  This setting, or Auto Up, is needed on at least 1 layer for an elevator to work properly.

No Move simply means the layer is frozen in place no matter where you move.

If you want to know more in-depth info about elevators, check out the tutorial dedicated strictly to that.

18.  Scroll Speed
1 - 10 (*20)
Simply determines how quickly or slowly the layer will scroll, with 1 being the slowest, and 10 being the fastest. *v5.1 extended the scroll speed to 20, allowing higher speed effects.

19.  Z Depth
-250 - 100
Determines how "close" or "far away" the layer is.  100 will send it as far back as possible, 0 is somewhere around the middle, and -250 will bring it as close as possible.

Note that the Z Depth also determines where that particular layer is in space.  If you have, say, objects sitting in the middle of an open street, you can tweak their Z Depth to make it appear that your character can still walk around them.  I also advise that, if you have foreground layers that occupy the entire length of the screen, do not use -250.  If you do, that layer will cover the HUD! Instead, use -240.  It does the job and doesn't cover up the HUD. (<--fixed in v5.0a, now it's possible to use -250 without messing up the HUD)

20. Reverse
Simply flips the image in the layer in reverse.

21. Loop
Loops the image in that particular layer.  Especially useful in vehicle sequences where you need the background to constantly be looping.

22. Transparency
No, 75%, 50%, 25%, Lighting
Determines how transparent the layer is.  Lighting is useful for giving lighting to either another layer behind it, or maybe to the main layer itself.  For instance, you can use this with lights shining from light fixtures or something.

23. Overlaying Transparency
Determines whether or not the layer will turn transparent if any player characters are directly behind it.  If any pixel of the character is touching that layer, it will turn transparent.  Useful if there's a lot of stuff in the foreground that you want to show in the scene, but you don't want it blocking the player characters and whatever it is they are doing.  This does not work with enemies, however.

24. Layer Visual Effects
None, Water, Zoom, Rotate, Alpha
Water is the same as the water effect for the main layer, except this only affects the layer it's applied to.

Zoom gives the layer a sort of "pulsating" effect where it shrinks and grows.  This is another useful effect for surreal realities or maybe dream sequences.

Rotate makes the layer sway as if you were on the pirate ship from SoR2.

Alpha makes the layer flash and also makes it transparent.  This is perhaps useful if you want to create the illusion that you're in a room with a faulty light source or something, or there's probably a ghost somewhere in the area.  I don't know, that's just naming a few.

25. Layer Animation
Determines whether or not that particular layer will use its animation frames.  This needs to be off if you plan to use 27.

26. Animation Speed
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 32
Determines the animation speed of the layer.  1 is the fastest, as 32 is the slowest.

27. Animate by Shake
Here's one that stumped a lot of people for a while.  What this does is that, whenever a character falls after being thrown, or an explosion goes off, this layer will go through its animation 1 time.  This is useful for, say, chains hanging from the ceiling (like in the warehouse stage of BK3), or lights swaying in response to the action (like the lights on the bridge section of SoR2).  However, these aren't all you can use this for.  Being a little clever with it can lead to some more interesting results.

28. Breakable layer (from Don Vecta's explanation)

You can use this to replicate something like the breakable wall in the trailer cabin from SoR2.  However, it may not be entirely possible to recreate it exactly as the feature appears to be bugged in this build of SORMaker.

Okay, first of all, this layer can be animated, that's why you can keep it . It's gonna disappear anyways.

Now, this is tricky since, unfortunately, this feature it's also bugged. But I'll describe it anyway.

1) This layer must be visible at the end of your stage.
2) This ONLY works when you cleared all your enemies and move to the next stage.
3) The layer trigger must be in a range of 50 pixels horizontal and 40 pixels vertical.
4) It triggers only if your character passes through the layer's range in X, Y and Z, missing that range, the character will ignore the point and move on.
5) Works only with the exit options default, jump and diagonal. Walking to, unfortunately, it is bugged and won't trigger the point (<--- fixed on v5.0a, now it is possible to use Walking To to the area you want it broken, mind that the character will fade out in that area instead of keep walking forward). Instant exit obviously makes no sense.

Within these conditions, it is possible to do it, however, since the character will walk straight (or diagonally) in front of him/her after the fight it's over, it's gonna be erratic to reach this break point.

Thus the only feasible solution by now to make this feature work properly is to set up a collision map that puts your characters in a straight line to the break point, therefore able to break the layer when they have cleared the enemies and walk straight to the exit. Mind you, the characters must be already inside the range within the map while you are still controlling them since they ignore collision properties as soon the battle it's over and walk through them, thus will ignore the break point.

Another solution is to make it with the horizon lines of the stage all close together (maybe simulating a fight inside a catwalk or a sewer pipe) and when the scene's over, the characters will walk straight to the break point (maybe a fence, a wall, a glass compartment, a car, lol).

Special Note:
I see that some people have issues with layers that are "1 pixel too high".  If this ever happens to you, simply hit the "up" button in the layer placement controls and that layer should snap into place of where it should be.  Note that every time you move that layer, you'll have to hit the "up" button again.  This may also only be effective on layers that occupy all 240 pixels of vertical space.

The event icons can be placed in any of the 64 wide grids inside the maps. Some of them, when placed, have right-click options available. Some icons will have new icons available in the menu after being placed, mainly to stop the current event.

[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Tuto3_zpsksldfs2h

29. Trigger Rain (weather)
Self explanatory. This event will cause rain to pour down the scene. It reminisces the rain style used in stage 1-3 from SOR2. Using it in the map will make available a stop rain icon, which will stop the event to happen. Can be used only once per scene. Can't be used along with any other weather icon.

30. Thunderstorm (weather)
Just like above, rain from SOR2, but will also add randomly thunderclaps and flashing effects on the scene. Using it in the map will make available a stop thunderstorm icon, which will stop the event to happen. Can be used only once per scene. Can't be used along with any other weather icon.

31. Trigger Fog (weather)
This event will cause fog to gradually appear in the selected area. The fog will appear mainly two thirds parts at the bottom of the whole scene. Using it in the map will make available a stop fog icon, which will stop the event to happen. Can be used only once per scene. Can't be used along with any other weather icon.

32. Trigger Wind (weather effect)
This event won't cause any visible effect, however, jumping and rolling effects will be affected by the direction of an invisible wind oscillating from left to right and right to left. Using it in the map will make available a stop wind icon, which will stop the event to happen. Can be used only once per scene. Can't be used along with any other weather icon.

33. Trigger Snow (weather effect)
This event has exactly the same gameplay effects given by the wind event, but this time snow will be falling over the whole scene. Also, notice that if there's a visible Layer 4 in the scene, it will be scrolling left or right depending the direction of the wind effect. Using it in the map will make available a stop snow icon, which will stop the event to happen. Can be used only once per scene. Can't be used along with any other weather icon.

34. Trigger Sunset (filter effect)
This event will do a filter effect with reddish hues giving the impression of an advancing sunset. The filter will begin in the grid where it's placed and the tones will accentuate as the character advances through the scene. To make the icon be functional, though, the FPG must be in 8-bit palette. Can only be used once per scene and can't be removed (it's a permanent effect from the duration of the scene).
To prevent a bluish corrupt color, the highest RBG tone should be no more than 224. It can't be used in scroll right scenes.

35. Add Earthquake (screen effect)
This effect will cause the scroller to shake briefly, like a small earthquake. It has no SFX. It can be placed up to 45 times per scene (shared with another effects).

36. Boat Rocking (screen effect)
This screen effect will cause the scroller to rock like the SORR Pirate Ship. Can be used once and it will be permanent for the rest of the scene.

37. Add Wind Details (visual effect)
This effect will trigger an animated sprite of flying garbage like in the Dilapidated Town from SOR1. It can be used up to 45 times in a scene shared with other effects.

38. Add Lightning (visual and SFX)
This effect will cause the screen to flash like if struck with lightning, combined along with a thunder SFX. It's brief and will trigger once the character reaches the grid. Can be used up to 45 times shared with other effects.

39. Add Countdown (gameplay mechanic)
99s, 75s, 50s, 25s
When added this icon in a scene, a time countdown will appear. Reaching the end of the scene and clearing all the enemies before the timer reaches zero will proceed with the next scene. If counter reaches zero the screen will cause an explosion that will grant an automatic Game Over. No matter where the icon is placed, the timer will start as soon the scene begins.
In v5.1, there's two new gameplay behavior added by creating a file (a file without any extension) in the mod folder:

  • Exploding the scene without Game Over. The scene will explode when reached zero, but will proceed to the next stage instead to causing a Game Over. If this event is going to be in stage1a, a file without extension named stage1a_bomb should be placed in the mod folder.
  • Proceeding to next scene without explosion or Game Over. The scene will simply move into the next area without any effect. If this event is going to be in stage1a, a file without extension named stage1a_next should be placed in the mod folder.

For different outcomes when the completed the scene in time, Alternate Paths can be placed to give another reward or a boss fight to lead to another stage/scene.

40. Add Gas (gameplay mechanic)
When placed in scene, a gas visual effect will be displayed and the player's health will decrease gradually (simulating SOR3/BK3's stage 6 General Petrov rescue effect). The drain will stop as soon the player perform a movement that grants them invincibility (offensive or defensive special, police call, throw, etc.). Regardless the icon is placed, the effect will trigger as soon the scene begins and it's permanent until the scene is cleared. Can be used only once.

41. Add Chain Explosion (gameplay mechanic)
In the moment the character reaches the grid where this icon is placed, the game will have an automatic scrolling, along explosions coming up from the far left, causing damage to anyone touching them. The auto-scroll along the explosions will last until the player reaches the end of the scroller. Can be used only once. Can be used only in a Scroll Left mode scene.

42. Add Explosion (interactive sprite)
In the moment the player reaches the grid where this icon is placed, an explosion will occur with visual and SFX effect, causing damage in its surrounding effect. The explosion can be placed anywhere up to 45 times per scene (shared with other events).

43. Add Fire (Interactive sprite)
This icon will produce a dancing flame to be placed in the scene. It has an animated visual effect that produces a surrounding flickering shadow to any object next to it (negating other shadow effect in its surrounding). Standing in it's area for few seconds will cause damage to players and enemies alike. Can be placed up to 45 times per scene (shared with other events).

44. Add Alternate Route (scene mechanic)
Next Scene, Scene 1 - 16.
This icon will create a new path opening, which will cause the scene to be cleared and take the player to whichever scene is set with the right-click button options. The Icon should be placed in an area the player can walk into in order to work. This effect won't work as long there's enemies present in the area. Can be used up to three times per scene.

45 and 46. Free Camera (left side and right side respectively. Scene mechanic)
45 will be grayed if using Scroll Left, 46 will be grayed if using Scroll Right. This effect, along with Icon 47 (Lock Camera) will cause the area in between to be free roam. In order to make the free scroll work, the player must reach the Lock Camera grid first, then it will be possible to scroll back to the area where the Free Camera icon is placed. It is important to mention that enemies must be present in order to trigger the lock and the free roam in the area, otherwise, the game will usher the player to keep forward.
The Free Camera effect won't work if the Lock Camera Icon is placed within 3 grids to the end of the scroller in Scroll Left and within 5 grids in Scroll Right.
Can be placed up to 45 times per scene, shared with other events.

47. Lock Camera (Scene mechanic)
This event will make the scroller stop in the grid it's placed until the enemies in the area are cleared. It must be used combined with icons 45 and 46 to cause a Free Roam effect within their perimeter (read above). Can't be used within the last 3 grids to the end of the scroller in Scroll Left and within 5 grids in Scroll Right.
Can be placed up to 8 times per scene.

48. Fade Into Boss Music (Scene sound mechanic)
1.ogg - 64.ogg
When the player reaches the grid where the icon is placed. The current music theme will fade out and another track selected through right-click button options will be played in its place. Can be used only once per scene and the new music is permanent.
If the music option in icon 55 is set to Next Scene, Alternate Scene or Both, this track will keep playing in the corresponding incoming scenes.

49. Add Intro (Scene mechanic) 
This icon will trigger dialogues set in the Script folder of the mod. It will be grayed out if there's no texts available for that scene. It can be placed up to 45 times per scene (shared with other events) with different dialogues that can be chosen with the right-click menu.

50. End Scene (Scene mechanic)
This icon will cause the scene to end as soon the enemies of the area are cleared. I can't be placed in the first area within 320 pixels (first screen). Can be used only once and the scene will end regardless if the player walks further in the area.

51. End Intro (Scene mechanic)
This icon will stop the dialogues in screen, must be used in conjunction with icon 49. It will be grayed out if there's no cutscene dialogues in the Script folder of the mod. Can be used up to 45 times per scene, shared with other events.

52. Stage Clear (Scene mechanic)
Next Scene, Scene 1 - 16.
This icon will cause an automatic Stage Clear in the area. Notice that this icon will clear the stage even with enemies present. With the right-click menu, it's possible to select the scene to begin in the next stage. Can be used once per scene. Can't be used in the first 320 pixels of the screen (first screen).

53. Jump Stage (Scene mechanic)
Stage 1 - 8, End Game.
This icon will produce the scene to be cleared and jump into another stage without a Stage Clear screen. With the right-click menu it's possible to choose which stage the player will be transported to or to the end of the game which will trigger the End Credits image. Can be used once per scene. Can't be used in the first 320 pixels of the screen (first screen).

Music Box

54. Stage Music
1.ogg - 99.ogg
With this function it's possible to select the music for the scene. Make sure the .ogg file is placed within the mod folder.

55. Keep playing current track
None, Next Scene, Alternate Scenes, Both
This function allows the current music (either the 54 or the 48) to stop when the scene is cleared or continue the loop in the incoming scenes selected in the menu.

These are usually sprites either for graphical enhancement or that cause obstacles, traps and hazards. Some icons have additional options with the right-click menu when placed in the map.

[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Tuto4_zpssj3nwpof

56. Trigger Rolling Barrels (scene hazard)
This icon will cause three rolling drum cans to appear in the scene. They have visual animations and sound effects and cause damage to players only. Players can still hit the drums and nullify them from the scene. Can be used up to 45 times per scene, shared with other events.

57. Trigger Falling Barrels (scene hazard)
This icon will cause several drum cans fall from above endlessly (reminiscent to SOR3's Construction Area hazard). They have visual animations and sound effects, and cause damage to the player if hit when falling. If a player hits one of the falling drum cans, these will be used as projectiles to harm enemies. If hit by an enemy attack, the drum can will be nullified. This hazard can be played up to 45 times per scene, shared with other events.

58. Trigger Rolling Table (scene hazard)
This event will cause a service trolley to appear in the scene (reminiscent to SOR1's Syndicate Headquarters hazard). It has animation and SFX on hit, harming the player only. Players can hit the trolley to nullify them from the scene. This hazard can be played up to 45 times per scene, shared with other events.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to add consumables or weapons in it, at difference from the SOR1 one.

59. Trigger Cars (scene hazard)
This icon will spawn 4 vehicles passing through the scene. An alert display and an SFX will appear previously before the cars show up, causing damage to both players and enemies alike and it's completely impervious to damage. Can be placed only once per scene.

60. Add Rail Cart (scene hazard)
This icon will cause a railway cart pass through the scene repeatedly. It will using the same pattern and behavior as in the Subway Tunnel scene from SOR3, from left to right in the upper part of the scroller and from right to left in the bottom area. The cart will harm enemies and players alike (causing enemies to be cut in half while killed by it, if the blood settings are on in the options menu) and it's completely invulnerable to damage.
Can be placed only once per scene and it will be permanent until the end of the scene.

61. Add Crusher (scene hazard)
This hazard simulates the one appearing in the SOR1 Stealthy Factory stage. Affectionately named "Twhomp" in reference to Super Mario Bros's own hazard, this press will crush both players and enemies, but it will trigger only by player's proximity. The Twhomp will chop in half fallen enemies. It will remain in the scene indefinitely.
Can be used up to 45 times per scene, shared with other events.
There are some placement parameters to make it work properly. Updating with them later on.

62. Add Shipping Container (scene hazard)
In reference to stage 1-1 from SOR3, the icon will cause to appear a hanging container in the scene. This container will fall on player proximity, damaging players and enemies alike (causing enemies to be chopped in half on death). The hazard will only happens once per icon, with the giant container remain in the scene.
Can be used up to 45 times per scene, shared with other events.
There are some placement parameters to make it work properly. Updating with them later on.

63. Add Light Trap (scene hazard)
This icon will create a chandelier to appear at the top of the scene. The chandelier will fall on player proximity, damaging players and enemies alike (causing enemies to be chopped in half on death). The hazard will only happens once per icon, with the fallen chandelier disappearing after falling.
Can be used up to 45 times per scene, shared with other events.
There are some placement parameters to make it work properly. Updating with them later on.

64. Add Conveyor Belt (scene effect)
Normal Left, Normal Right, Reverse Left, Reverse Right
In reference to several stages all along the trilogy, this conveyor can be placed along the scene and the floor will move any standing sprite (players, enemies, breakables, dropped items, etc.) to move in the direction set in the right-click menu. The movement won't affect airborne objects. Can be used up to 45 times per scene, shared with other events.

65. Add Wall Laser (scene hazard)
This icon will create an eye-like laser shooter that will shoot intermittently electric projectiles in a completely vertical angle, hurting playable characters only. If placed on a custom map wall, the laser will "crash" on the green area of the map, rendering it useless to be placed in a wall. It is suggested to be used in no-mapped areas instead.
Can be used up to 45 times per scene, shared with other events.

Hopefully, people (especially new modders) will find this useful and will not have to go searching all over for solutions as to what these functions do.  And again, if anyone can help explain some of the more confusing functions/correct me, do so.

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[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Empty Re: [Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1)

Post  Don Vecta Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:45 pm

A very curious and important details regarding icon 7: doesn't work on any kind scroll right type; it will be greyed out and put in default as No. So no, you can't cast shadow or reflection in right scrolling scenes (I honestly don't know why). :-/

[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
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[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Empty Re: [Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1)

Post  Don Vecta Sun Jun 15, 2014 7:14 pm

Bumping as an important update on this tutorial from fixes in v5.0a and an explanation in the Background reflection icon.

[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
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[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Empty Re: [Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1)

Post  Don Vecta Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:46 am

Important update regarding Sunset event:

Remember when in the old patch of H.U.N.T.E.R., when I put the sunset event, the white colors became an uglified blueish tone that ruined all the visuals? Okay, to prevent this situation to happen, it is recommended to put the lightest palette colors in your scene no more than 224 RGB. Anything beyond that tone, will break the effect and uglify your scene.

Also, updated all the tutorial with v5.1 features, including the glass reflection button and whatnot. 

Also added new tutorials of the Events/Extras menu which weren't described in this tutorial, along with fresh images since the old ones were dead.

[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
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Don Vecta

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[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Empty Re: [Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1)

Post  Tarma Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:19 pm

I did not read this here, so I share.

DO NOT use "car" for Police Assist. If you are playing with Roo and if you call the police at the begining of the scene, Roo will whistle, enemies will dance, the timer will be blocked and... that's all.
If you want the car, choose "both". The helicopter will come at the begining of the scene and it will be okay for Roo.
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[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Empty Re: [Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1)

Post  Don Vecta Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:38 am

That's a rather nasty bug. I think this also should be notified in the bug report.

[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
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[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Empty Re: [Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1)

Post  Augmented Antics Sun Feb 21, 2016 3:01 am

This tutorial also needs to be updated to accommodate for the 5.1-specific changes. For instance, scrolling speed goes up to "20", and there are new scroll types that need to be covered.
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[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Empty Re: [Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1)

Post  xRainmakerRSx Sat Nov 28, 2020 2:24 pm

Hello guys!

I am really excited and committed to my two mods better, BUT there are things I forgot how to do and others that I am unable to accomplish.

perhaps the doubt seems stupid but I need to ask anyway.

I can easily insert a new animated layer into a scene and put it in a 'loop' because for this to work it is enough that the width of the image is at least 416 (new format 5.2) everything is ok with that. Thinking of images that flow horizontally on the screen, like a bird or a plane...whatever....

BUT I can't apply the same concept vertically, I can't enable the 'loop for a vertical layer! Animated or not, the height of 240 pixels does not let me scroll endlessly ... in the case of a waterfall for example.

does anyone know how to help?

[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) 22xbuq
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[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Empty Re: [Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1)

Post  Don Vecta Sat Nov 28, 2020 6:31 pm

loops for vertical layers sadly doesn't work. and yeah, that could have helped to create cooler concepts.

[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
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[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Empty Re: [Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1)

Post  Late goodbye Sat Jan 30, 2021 4:12 pm

xRainmakerRSx wrote:BUT I can't apply the same concept vertically, I can't enable the 'loop for a vertical layer! Animated or not, the height of 240 pixels does not let me scroll endlessly ... in the case of a waterfall for example.

does anyone know how to help?

Hi Rainmaker.

I've faced a similar problem while putting together a kitchen scene, with water taps running in the background. While i'm not 100% happy with the result, i think it does the job well enough giving the impression of a vertical flow.
[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Snapsh16

To pull it of, i employ a technique i use to call for myself "punch carding": Essentially, you punch "holes" into your background image using the transparent color, which is no. zero on your color palette. It shows as green here:
[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Stage211

Afterwards, i put together an image of white diagonals and blue (same color as the water), and place it behind the background image (Z-Value 100 will do). There, you can loop it horizontally, but the water still appears to run down.
[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Clipbo19

That technique works better on low-color graphics, but i'm pretty confident that - when used well - it can pull off a waterfall convincingly. I also like to use it to create little reflections on liquid surfaces (like the water in the kitchen sink). When combined with the visual effect "water", it looks pretty nice in motion.

[Tutorial] Layer Properties & Icon description (updated v5.1) Stage210
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