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Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1

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Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1 Empty Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1

Post  Tarma Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:36 pm

I am trying to improve my mod so as to fit to SoR Remake 5.1.

I renamed my endings in credits8e.fpg, credits8e.ogg and credits8e.txt. When I finish the mod (Route 1), the music is right, the texts are right, but the custscene is wrong. I have the stage 8e intro (stage8e.fpg).
If I delete stage8e.fpg, the ending is good, but the stage 8e intro is black (of course).

Can anybody help me?
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Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1 Empty Re: Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1

Post  Charco Thu Nov 20, 2014 8:59 pm

Tarma wrote:I am trying to improve my mod so as to fit to SoR Remake 5.1.

I renamed my endings in credits8e.fpg, credits8e.ogg and credits8e.txt. When I finish the mod (Route 1), the music is right, the texts are right, but the custscene is wrong. I have the stage 8e intro (stage8e.fpg).
If I delete stage8e.fpg, the ending is good, but the stage 8e intro is black (of course).

Can anybody help me?

The ending will work if you delete the intro. Seems you can't have both.

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Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1 Empty Re: Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1

Post  Tarma Thu Nov 20, 2014 9:32 pm


Okay, I have to change a few things, thank you. Smile
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Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1 Empty Re: Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1

Post  Shiva Wed Nov 26, 2014 4:12 pm

Hell yeah, you'll finish it soon!

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Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1 Empty Re: Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1

Post  Don Vecta Mon Dec 08, 2014 10:48 am

Alright, I need some help (and if possible, a tutorial):

In my mod Rushing Beat Remake, stage 7-2 is a small hub that opens up an alternate route to a Grandmaster Challenge, available only for mania players. In the original mod, if you walk forward, you'll go to the end of the mod and clear the game (by taking you to a cutscene in stage 8b that says thank you for playing) and then returns to the main title (won't take you to the credits.png image).

Now, I want to make this cutscene as an ending that allows you to take you to credits.png, therefore, being able to actually clear the mod (have the star at the top of it and unlock possible unlockable mods), how to do it?

My current configuration (that won't work) is: put a stage clear at the end of the stage with an end game, but still won't take me to the credits image either.


In the script folder I have a credits8a.png, credits8a.txt and credits8a.ogg, but there's not actual stage8a in the main folder. Before, if the Grandmaster Challenge was completed and you beat the boss (stage 7-11), it will take you to stage 8a. If they're named stage8a.png, stage8a.txt and stage8a.ogg, the custcene will play and won't take to the credits.png. If I named the script files as credits8a, it won't take me to the cutscene, neither to the credits.png.

Basically, my credits.png is not working.

Can anyone help me out here to make both cutscenes take me to credits.png?

Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1 Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
Don Vecta
Don Vecta

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Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1 Empty Re: Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1

Post  DarkThief Mon Dec 08, 2014 11:56 am

Speaking of which, would it be possible to make the ending skippable for mania players? (so we don't have to wait ages before starting the grandmaster bit)
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Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1 Empty Re: Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1

Post  Don Vecta Mon Dec 08, 2014 12:15 pm

DarkThief wrote:Speaking of which, would it be possible to make the ending skippable for mania players? (so we don't have to wait ages before starting the grandmaster bit)
You mean the story mode ending scrolling? Yeah, sure, with the new feature, it is skippable. It's already done. Smile

Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1 Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
Don Vecta
Don Vecta

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Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1 Empty Re: Wrong cutscene for ending for SoRMaker 5.1

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