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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Don Vecta
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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Empty The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Post  Puzirkov Thu Apr 25, 2024 7:22 am

The End?!

As you may have guessed, the game begins immediately after the end of part 3 of the game. But suddenly events occurred that brought our soldiers back.
The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Sorr_t10

A SORR mod (fan game) by Puzir and Serrr

On 04.23.2023 we began another dialogue with the mod developer Serrr.
We often discussed our desires for a new mod and agreed that we could make a litter 3 mod.
This mod will be very similar to the 3rd part of the Sega game. Only events will develop in new colors. Everything is done in 16-bit pixel graphics.
Serrr recreated the work of a Brazilian artist who donated new skins for Blaze.


You will need SORR 5.1 or 5.2 to run this mod - If you use the old, 5.0 version
things will be horribly broken (and there will be no way to finish the
game, objects will be misplaced, portraits will be missing, etc).

Custom palettes - The custom palettes included with this mod are an
essential part of it. It's not just a cosmetic thing, some stages will
not work as expected if you are using the default SORR color palettes.

Before playing, replace the data and "palettes\enemies" folder in the SORR folder
with the ones included with this mod. If you need you can restore the
original later by copying back the files from the "backup_enemies" folder.

Necessarily: copy the data folder to the root folder with the game.

I think that for the first time you can see what will happen after Lauxin’s bombs explode and the city is enveloped
in a white radioactive glow...
The events of the game will take place immediately after the end of the 3rd official part of the game.
Our heroes decide to go and have a good rest on the beach. Max even decided to take a case of the best beer to the beach.
But alas, their pleasant plans did not come true.
Once again, hordes of thugs and scum are raping entire cities, crime is choking...
And only we can decide which way to go. Immediately after the beach where you won’t have to rest, you will have to face new events.
The mod was created out of enthusiasm and in gratitude to BOMBERGAMES for an unforgettable gift. Due to the fact that for certain
reasons the Sega company did not agree to give life to this project, the project itself gave life to itself. This is evidenced by
the development of this game. Fans have been making wonderful mods for over 10 years and the game lives on. The goal of our project,
if successful, is to provide assistance to 2 charitable organizations that are selected at random.

Links to voluntary donations will be below.
1) 2)


List of Stages:

Stage 1 - The Initial Fight.
Stage 2 - The Battle in Italy.
Stage 3 - Country Park.
Stage 4 - An abandoned city.
Stage 5 - The Bulldozer.
Stage 6 - The Jungle.
Stage 7a - Robot X's Lair.
Stage 7b - Nuclear Apocalypse (Battle with Neo X).

In future...


End the game and you will see it Smile

- Special thanks to Sega, Bomberlink, Kimono, Anking and all the developers of these games.

- The mod was created on 24.04.2024
Your friends Puzir and Serrr.


Very Happy

The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. 2k9yf310

Posts : 319
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Location : Ukraine

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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Empty Re: The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Post  Don Vecta Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:09 am

Downloading as we speak.

The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
Don Vecta
Don Vecta

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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Empty Re: The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Post  saboteur Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:05 am

Made it through yesterday, liked it a lot! What a work has been done! I got a huge pleasure!
New mods are now so rare, especially good ones. At last my playlist has replenished with a new uncompromising mod. Thank you very very much!

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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Empty Re: The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Post  Iceferno Sat Apr 27, 2024 12:20 pm

Well I'm sceptical of the difficulty balance, but the stage design looks incredible. I'll give this a try when I have some time.

The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Iceferno-streets-orange-sig
5.1 Mod Directory (1) (2) • 5.1 Base Game Track Mapping

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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Empty Re: The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Post  saboteur Sat Apr 27, 2024 2:25 pm

Tried a second route today. It was noticeably harder. The 1st route I completed without life loss, the 2nd one cost me a couple of lives in the end. Still acceptable on Mania, imho.

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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Empty Re: The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Post  Ofdimaelr Sat May 18, 2024 2:37 am

I love the Blaze skin in high heels I love you very nice.


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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Empty Re: The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Post  Eeiris Tue Jul 16, 2024 3:35 pm

My colormod for Blaze (Dress), maybe I'll do more. I didn't change the main white dress, the last blue dress I put in the "Extra" folder due to the limit of 7 colors, just rename it. Download

The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. RNaKv9l

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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Empty Re: The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Post  Iceferno Sat Aug 10, 2024 8:42 pm

Really like the stage design on this mod. I used 5a as the backing for one of my newest tracks:

The bright colourful sky and park area really felt right for it.

The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Iceferno-streets-orange-sig
5.1 Mod Directory (1) (2) • 5.1 Base Game Track Mapping

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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Empty Re: The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Post  Karo-sempai Sun Sep 01, 2024 4:08 pm

Thanks alot! An eye candy, no doubt. But... why almost no plot?

I am a "plot maniac", I am spoiled by the "Timeline Revival" collection (and adjacent mods), and that's why I feel kind of dreary without a plot, no matter how beautiful the pictures are.

Why exactly the heroes travel here or there (Italy! Some jungle! Japan!). What exactly is "G-Brood"? By what means does G-Brood plan to "overcome the crime"??? Who is that mysterious robotized short fatman who talks to Zan soon after the start? What exactly does that fatman want from life?

I am hoping for answers to the questions from the authors. Meanwhile, I have boldly allowed myself to arbitrarily add the following text messages to [my copy of] the game at the start of nearly each chapter (1990s videogames style, kinda even exactly "Golden Axe" style!!):

1.The laxine threat has been stopped, and the reputation of Team Rage has been saved with the help of Adam. But the city is still in danger, lawlessness reigns on the streets.

2.Special agents seem to have found the trail of a conspiracy, and our heroes had to go on a long journey.

3.The trail led on...

4.Nearby – half a day's drive, no more! – there was a rather big city, even a former metropolis, recently abandoned by residents for some reason. That's where the trail led to.

5.Without really finding out anything, the heroes called the Italian authorities and drew their attention to the abandoned city, and then they returned to populated, civilized places... Only to be attacked again.

6.Fat Bongo was handed over to the authorities. But the heroes had previously taken away the documents that Bongo had with him. And these were such ''dynamite'' clues that the heroes had to go to the north of Africa, hoping to get at least one step closer to solving another riddle...

7.New clues were found in the village! The mastermind is seemingly in Japan! Even the address is known, by now! But at the same time, the Syndicate goons are up to something very bad in Wood Oak City! So, where to? To Japan? Or back to the USA?

* * *

Well? Did I make some "plot mistake"? Let the authors correct me if I did.

Of course, I understand that I made "some kind of an excuse" (or some kind of a placeholder?), rather than a full-fledged plot. I made rather some parody, or such. But it's still, imho, better than nothing. Initially, the mod did not even contain such a thing. And I usually become literally ill when there seemingly is no acceptable plot (or no plot at all).

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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Empty Re: The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Post  Karo-sempai Mon Sep 02, 2024 10:06 pm

The Russian version of the "kinda plot" proposed above by me:

1.Лаксиновую угрозу отвратили, и репутация Голых Рук была спасена благодаря Адаму. Но город всё ещё в опасности, на улицах царит беспредел.

2.Сотрудники спецслужб, кажется, напали на след заговора! И долг наших героев - отправиться в далекое путешествие.

3.След вел дальше...

4.Поблизости - в полдне езды - находится еще один большой город, даже бывший мегаполис, совсем недавно брошенный его жителями, по какой-то причине. Вот туда и ведет след.

5.Так ничего и не выяснив, герои обратились к итальянским властям и привлекли их внимание к брошенному городу. А сами вернулись в цивилизованные, населенные места... И на них там опять напали.

6.Толстяка Бонго сдали с рук на руки властям. Но прежде герои забрали у него документы, обнаруженные при нем. И это были настолько убойные улики, что героям осталось только отправиться на север Африки, в надежде хоть на шаг приблизиться к разгадке...

7.В деревне нашлись новые улики! Главарь, похоже, укрывается в Японии! Даже адрес стал известен. Но в то же самое время синдикатские затевают что-то очень нехорошее в Вуд-Оук-Сити! Куда же теперь? В Японию? Или домой, обратно в США?

* * *

Russian version of the dialogue made by authors themselves:

Mission 1:
Загадочный деятель: Зан, ты надеешься спрятаться от собственного прошлого? Прошлое так и останется навсегда с тобой. Помоги Джи-выводку - а мы поможем тебе. Мы в состоянии защитить город от преступников.
Зан: Думаю, я помогу вам. Должен же я искупить свои былые грехи.

Mission 7:
- Мистер Икс?!
Тот, кто выглядит как Икс: Добро пожаловать в мое скромное обиталище. Уже некоторое время жду вас. И где же ты, Аксель, так подзадержался?
Аксель: Хватит дурака валять! Как понимать происходящее?
Тот, кто выглядит как Икс: Ну, я как раз работаю над заменой администрации Вуд-Оук-Сити на более годных деятелей. И в первую очередь начальника полиции. А почему бы вам-то не присоединиться ко мне?

* * *

And yes, personally I __did__ notice the nice cameo in the very beginning, -- one of two favorites of mine, and namely Elle... (The other my favorite is Adam.)

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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Empty Re: The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Post  Puzirkov Tue Sep 10, 2024 9:03 am

Karo-sempai wrote:The Russian version of the "kinda plot" proposed above by me:

1.Лаксиновую угрозу отвратили, и репутация Голых Рук была спасена благодаря Адаму. Но город всё ещё в опасности, на улицах царит беспредел.

2.Сотрудники спецслужб, кажется, напали на след заговора! И долг наших героев - отправиться в далекое путешествие.

3.След вел дальше...

4.Поблизости - в полдне езды - находится еще один большой город, даже бывший мегаполис, совсем недавно брошенный его жителями, по какой-то причине. Вот туда и ведет след.

5.Так ничего и не выяснив, герои обратились к итальянским властям и привлекли их внимание к брошенному городу. А сами вернулись в цивилизованные, населенные места... И на них там опять напали.

6.Толстяка Бонго сдали с рук на руки властям. Но прежде герои забрали у него документы, обнаруженные при нем. И это были настолько убойные улики, что героям осталось только отправиться на север Африки, в надежде хоть на шаг приблизиться к разгадке...

7.В деревне нашлись новые улики! Главарь, похоже, укрывается в Японии! Даже адрес стал известен. Но в то же самое время синдикатские затевают что-то очень нехорошее в Вуд-Оук-Сити! Куда же теперь? В Японию? Или домой, обратно в США?

* * *

Russian version of the dialogue made by authors themselves:

Mission 1:
Загадочный деятель: Зан, ты надеешься спрятаться от собственного прошлого? Прошлое так и останется навсегда с тобой. Помоги Джи-выводку - а мы поможем тебе. Мы в состоянии защитить город от преступников.
Зан: Думаю, я помогу вам. Должен же я искупить свои былые грехи.

Mission 7:
- Мистер Икс?!
Тот, кто выглядит как Икс: Добро пожаловать в мое скромное обиталище. Уже некоторое время жду вас. И где же ты, Аксель, так подзадержался?
Аксель: Хватит дурака валять! Как понимать происходящее?
Тот, кто выглядит как Икс: Ну, я как раз работаю над заменой администрации Вуд-Оук-Сити на более годных деятелей. И в первую очередь начальника полиции. А почему бы вам-то не присоединиться ко мне?

* * *

And yes, personally I __did__ notice the nice cameo in the very beginning, -- one of two favorites of mine, and namely Elle... (The other my favorite is Adam.)

The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Ouo77710
Thanks for support. I really really liked the idea and that's why I'm adding these dialogues to the mod. Your name will be indicated in the mod.

The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. 2k9yf310

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Location : Ukraine

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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Empty Re: The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Post  Karo-sempai Tue Sep 10, 2024 9:20 am

Puzirkov wrote:Thanks for support. I really really liked the idea and that's why I'm adding these dialogues to the mod. Your name will be indicated in the mod.
Thank you so much for the approval and for the cooperation!

But... There is one remark... In my opinion, you needlessly replaced the dialogue [of the robotic fatman and Zan] with the text that I had compiled. It was a good dialogue (that one by default, about the fact that Zan will not be able to hide from his own past), I was pleased with it. Could you kindly restore it as it was?

My plot inserts (not dialogue, but text from the "narrator"!) were not intended as a replacement for characters' phrases (lines)! NO way! But only as text on splash screens (on which you have large headlines).
"The laxine threat..." etc. was not intended to be in the file 1a_0.txt , but in the file 1a.txt
Do you get me? Kinda such way:

Last edited by Karo-sempai on Tue Sep 10, 2024 9:53 am; edited 1 time in total

I can't make stages (=locations = backgrounds) by myself, so I will have to plagiarize; every mod of mine WILL imminently be a collection of "stolen" someone else's backgrounds from other mods. I promise to give something similar to the "proper credit", that is, the list of cannibalized games in the final "credits". I am not able to do something more than that, I can't help it; sorry to everyone. I meant no offense.
If I ever publish my "wannabe mods", I will GLADLY (and by default) allow any skilled modders to edit/update/improve such mediocre works AS THEY WANT TO... not changing the plot/scenario/dialogue, however... except with my special permission. The point is, it's the only thing I know how to do.

Posts : 69
Join date : 2023-06-26

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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Empty Re: The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Post  Puzirkov Tue Sep 10, 2024 9:49 am

Karo-sempai wrote:
Puzirkov wrote:Thanks for support. I really really liked the idea and that's why I'm adding these dialogues to the mod. Your name will be indicated in the mod.
Thank you so much for the approval and for the cooperation!

But... There is one remark... In my opinion, you needlessly replaced the dialogue of the robotic fatman with Zan with the text that I had compiled. It was a good dialogue (that one by default, about the fact that Zan will not be able to hide from his own past), I was pleased with it. Could you kindly restore it as it was?

My plot inserts (not dialogue, but text from the "narrator"!) were not intended as a replacement for characters' phrases (lines)! NO way! But only as text on splash screens (on which you have large headlines).
"The laxine threat..." etc. was not intended to be in the file 1a_0.txt , but in the file 1a.txt
Do you get me? Kinda such way:
Great. It's good that you answered right away. I'll show you what I got when I'm done.

The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. 2k9yf310

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Location : Ukraine

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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Empty Re: The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Post  Puzirkov Fri Sep 13, 2024 10:13 am

Karo-sempai wrote:
Puzirkov wrote:Thanks for support. I really really liked the idea and that's why I'm adding these dialogues to the mod. Your name will be indicated in the mod.
Thank you so much for the approval and for the cooperation!

But... There is one remark... In my opinion, you needlessly replaced the dialogue [of the robotic fatman and Zan] with the text that I had compiled. It was a good dialogue (that one by default, about the fact that Zan will not be able to hide from his own past), I was pleased with it. Could you kindly restore it as it was?

My plot inserts (not dialogue, but text from the "narrator"!) were not intended as a replacement for characters' phrases (lines)! NO way! But only as text on splash screens (on which you have large headlines).
"The laxine threat..." etc. was not intended to be in the file 1a_0.txt , but in the file 1a.txt
Do you get me? Kinda such way:

The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Ouo11
you once asked where this guy in the blue suit came from.

The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. 2k9yf310

Posts : 319
Join date : 2016-11-28
Location : Ukraine

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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Empty Re: The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Post  Karo-sempai Fri Sep 13, 2024 1:42 pm

Puzirkov wrote:you once asked where this guy in the blue suit came from.
Thanks alot! That explains why he seemed familiar to me.
Banglar from the Ninja Warriors trilogy (1.Aqua Jack, 2.The Ninja Warriors and 3.Ninja Warriors Again)!

So you (and Serrr) want a crossover? 😉 You want to show that Zan had somewhat trusted Banglar (who was playing "a caring, dependable and well-intentioned" one), and that way, Zan had carelessly helped him, because Zan did not realize what kind of crap this Banglar was?

P.S. Kindly try not to overquote (not to make too big quotes from someone else's posts). Or else an admin/moderator can interfere. Pictures are OK, but huge needless text quotes aren't welcome, as far as I know.

I can't make stages (=locations = backgrounds) by myself, so I will have to plagiarize; every mod of mine WILL imminently be a collection of "stolen" someone else's backgrounds from other mods. I promise to give something similar to the "proper credit", that is, the list of cannibalized games in the final "credits". I am not able to do something more than that, I can't help it; sorry to everyone. I meant no offense.
If I ever publish my "wannabe mods", I will GLADLY (and by default) allow any skilled modders to edit/update/improve such mediocre works AS THEY WANT TO... not changing the plot/scenario/dialogue, however... except with my special permission. The point is, it's the only thing I know how to do.

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Join date : 2023-06-26

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The End?! by Serrr and Puzir. Empty Re: The End?! by Serrr and Puzir.

Post  Karo-sempai Sun Sep 15, 2024 12:35 am

And... Mr. Puzirkov, how do you like (and how exactly Serrr likes) the idea of a special mod that would begin by the Zan's late repentance and by Team Rage starting to fight X's henchmen, who are now augmented and who explode when killed?? Since Banglar has shown "his true colors". And X is one of Banglar's allies.

There still are other heroes (robots "Ninja", "Kamaitachi" and "Kunoichi" who are the heroes of a different, other tale, of a tale of their own), who sure will eliminate Banglar and overthrow his regime (in a parallel world, where Banglar, unluckily for the Forces of Good, became the leader of a nation). It's not a mission of Team Rage however. Team Rage will do a slightly different thing: Team Rage will destroy (on some locations from "Aqua Jack", "The Ninja Warriors 1987" and "Ninja Warriors Again") the good bad ol' bootlickers of Mr.X, whom Banglar made stronger (made into cyborgs) using Zan's knowledge. The final bosses should be a crowd of Robo X'es, led by a Neo-X.

Well, do you like (and does Serrr like) such an idea?

But, as always, personally I don't know where to get needful locations. And I don't know how exactly to extract them from some source and how exactly to add them into a Sormaker mod.

I can't make stages (=locations = backgrounds) by myself, so I will have to plagiarize; every mod of mine WILL imminently be a collection of "stolen" someone else's backgrounds from other mods. I promise to give something similar to the "proper credit", that is, the list of cannibalized games in the final "credits". I am not able to do something more than that, I can't help it; sorry to everyone. I meant no offense.
If I ever publish my "wannabe mods", I will GLADLY (and by default) allow any skilled modders to edit/update/improve such mediocre works AS THEY WANT TO... not changing the plot/scenario/dialogue, however... except with my special permission. The point is, it's the only thing I know how to do.

Posts : 69
Join date : 2023-06-26

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