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Finally came up with a good idea - I think.

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Finally came up with a good idea - I think. Empty Finally came up with a good idea - I think.

Post  Karma Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:29 pm

So far I've spent most of my time with SoR maker just playing through all the available mods to see what works, what doesn't and what I like, while trying to figure out exactly what I would want the plot of my own mod to be. I think I finally have a good idea in mind.

I'd like to explore Shiva - his roots, how he came to be in the employ of Mr. X, and eventually how he left the syndicate, betrayed X (first stage of Sor 3 Cool ) and joined up with HUNTER. But before I tackle this task, I was wondering if people were even interested in that story line, and also if the HUNTER staff had an issue with me linking my Shiva story line into theirs like that.

Any thoughts, suggestions, comments, concerns?

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Finally came up with a good idea - I think. Empty Re: Finally came up with a good idea - I think.

Post  Don Vecta Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:20 pm

There is already a story designed linking Adam's Story with the HUNTER canon and was supposed to be developed in a mod itself (Bingo's Revenge). In there was revealed how the 3 former syndicate agents Ash, Elle and Shiva joined the heroes and what was the foundation of this agency.

But I'd like to hear what you have in mind, perhaps you can come up with a nice storyline as well. Smile

Finally came up with a good idea - I think. Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
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Don Vecta

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Finally came up with a good idea - I think. Empty Re: Finally came up with a good idea - I think.

Post  thenomad Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:41 pm

Karma, i think it's a good idea, even if you can't link with hunter's storyline. Even that i had give up moding, i still have some ideas, one of those ideas was to make a hub with doors, each one corresponding to one character, and for any character, a different plot along the game, but keeping the same stages structure. One problem with this, could be the need to duplicate every stage just to change text, what could make the MOD giant in size, for just a little modification in plot. But if you go ahead with your mod, i don't have any problems playing as Shiva, it's my second favorite character, after Adam!

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Finally came up with a good idea - I think. Empty Re: Finally came up with a good idea - I think.

Post  Mr.Din Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:26 am

Shiva could use a nice self mod, just as long as his personal stuff is left off screen. I'm interested in seeing how he joined and such, given he's become a main as of late.

Finally came up with a good idea - I think. Prevcard_by_dintheabary-dbapu04
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Finally came up with a good idea - I think. Empty Re: Finally came up with a good idea - I think.

Post  Karma Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:15 am

Define "personal stuff".

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Location : Maryland, USA

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Finally came up with a good idea - I think. Empty Re: Finally came up with a good idea - I think.

Post  BigDarsh Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:48 pm

I really like this idea since it connects to another chat we have with thenomad in another topic
thenomad wrote:Even that i had give up moding, i still have some ideas, one of those ideas was to make a hub with doors, each one corresponding to one character, and for any character, a different plot along the game, but keeping the same stages structure. One problem with this, could be the need to duplicate every stage just to change text, what could make the MOD giant in size, for just a little modification in plot. But if you go ahead with your mod, i don't have any problems playing as Shiva, it's my second favorite character, after Adam!
Why don't you overid the SorMaker limitation with a better game experience?
Let say you want define 3 paths for 3 heroes (let say Axel, Max and Blaze) and you will copy all the stages just for switching cutscene and dialogue ingame. Why don't you adapt the battle design in the same time?

ie: Max is a huge damage dealer and have trouble with plateforming, so in his path, there will be high HP mooks and maybe some pits.
ie: Axel has a very weak grab game and range trouble so what about putting more slums/goldie in his path to bother him?
ie: Blaze is an overall character so why don't remove some food pick up here and there?

So they all go through the same stages (same layers, same music, same bosses) but with differents cutscenes, differents dialogue in-game, and custom battles that fits each gameplay.

All of this his just example to illustrate the possibilites that your idea bring to my mind, it is not a request at all.

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Back in our day, you had one sound effect for 20 things, and you came to love that sound effect.
Back in our day... Streets of Rage - the Classic - the Original - was the best damn game out there."


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Finally came up with a good idea - I think. Empty Re: Finally came up with a good idea - I think.

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