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The TakeOver, SoR-like video game

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The TakeOver, SoR-like video game Empty The TakeOver, SoR-like video game

Post  vince Thu May 21, 2020 7:21 pm

I searched in the forum but didn't find anything about this game. Strange because it seems to be created as an unofficial sequel to Streets of Rage, there is even a Yuzo Koshiro track in the OST.
The TakeOver, SoR-like video game Header

So I don't know if I will buy it. Some people here tried it? What do you think of it? And compared to SoR trilogy and SoRR?


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The TakeOver, SoR-like video game Empty Re: The TakeOver, SoR-like video game

Post  Security Fri May 22, 2020 8:18 am

I am tempted to give it a try. Lately, i am kind of let-down from "revived" games/genres, such as Bloodstained, Streets of Rage 4, etc. Usually, other games that try to be like a "tribute"/"love letter" to the modern iteration of a "relic" (old game), hit the spot and are of high quality... For instance, i liked Fight N Rage more than Streets of Rage 4, exactly like for Bloodstained i liked more the combination of Hollow Knight and Dead Cells, over it.

Will keep an eye on it! Thanks for mentioning it! Something tells me it won't be so bad as SOR4 itself, so starting from that point, i can already picture me playing it!

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The TakeOver, SoR-like video game Empty Re: The TakeOver, SoR-like video game

Post  Iceferno Tue May 26, 2020 4:04 pm

I bought it a few days back. Was disappointed. Said the following in a Steam review:

"Starts out fairly promising, decent looking, but it quickly becomes a slog. The stages are too long, a lot of the enemies have too much health, and there's real unbalance later on in the game, where you have to fight those minigun robots, not to mention you have to fight them with previous bosses in the final stage. And I swear the final boss' health never actually went down. She kept regenerating when she did that explosion move. The Rage feature was wasted on her too, as I could never actually attack her once she got going with her close-range hits, and I just had to wait for rage to end so I could get knocked down.

I liked the driving and air combat sections, as they broke up the gameplay nicely. Yuzo Koshiro's track is very well done, as you'd expect, the cutscenes were a nice touch, but the game just doesn't have that polish you'd expect of similar titles in the genre."

It takes more from Final Fight than SoR, which is a bit of a problem, since FF is a lot less refined than the latter. Another thing is that you can kinda lose view of your character when the thugs crowd around you, so it's tough to know where you are and how exactly to get out.

The TakeOver, SoR-like video game Iceferno-sow1a-sig
5.1 Mod Directory (1) (2) • 5.1 Base Game Track Mapping

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The TakeOver, SoR-like video game Empty Re: The TakeOver, SoR-like video game

Post  vince Wed May 27, 2020 7:25 pm

Thanks for your review!

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Join date : 2015-04-01

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