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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Ryu Hoshi
Don Vecta
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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  lvgisgoed Sun Feb 13, 2022 7:42 pm

Don Vecta wrote:
lvgisgoed wrote:I'm messing around with some enemy ideas the last few days :D
Really wanna bring some new things to the table while not changing too much~
Soooo, what do you guys think of the ideas so far?

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Custom10

Custom enemies, hell yeah~!

I'm going to try my best, but i gonna focus on custom enemies when all the custom levels are finished ;D
(otherwise stuff is going to be a tad toooo much; like where do you even start to make custom enemies possible (O v O'))

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 T6jut817

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty More sprite WIPS

Post  lvgisgoed Tue Feb 15, 2022 5:32 pm

More stuffs i am tinkering with currently~ :D

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Rtydrg23

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  Iceferno Wed Feb 16, 2022 11:38 am

I dare you to give Souther a Freddy Krueger costume. lol

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  lvgisgoed Wed Feb 16, 2022 3:34 pm

Iceferno wrote:I dare you to give Souther a Freddy Krueger costume. lol

I honestly was thinking the same thing already hahahaha xD
Would be a hella fun easter-egg ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Last edited by lvgisgoed on Thu Feb 17, 2022 3:05 am; edited 1 time in total

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 T6jut817

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  lvgisgoed Thu Feb 17, 2022 1:11 am

Some progress on Souther~
I'll slowly update him over time (and others), but for now it time to return to making level-designs for the demo of 18 March ;D

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Rtydrg24

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 T6jut817

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  SORDave Thu Feb 17, 2022 1:18 am

Your custom sprite work looks damn amazing! Thumbs up


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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  lvgisgoed Thu Feb 17, 2022 3:04 am

SORDave wrote:Your custom sprite work looks damn amazing! :^:

Glad to hear ya like it :D
It is really fun to make these sprites and looking forward to expand the designs ( ᐛ )و

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  lvgisgoed Mon Feb 28, 2022 4:46 pm

Heyaaa, how is everyone doing?

Like you all know we have arrived in some turbulent times and because of that it overtook my mental health for a little bit.
With that said, i luckily finished the demo for 90%

I don't think i will put out many updates for now until the date of release, because of a few points:
- It just doesn't feel right for me personally. More important stuff is happening in the world than my side project~
- This time that comes free in the next few weeks i can work on my mental state and come back stronger~
- And for the last one, i can be prepared for the changes (scary mindset :/) that could potentially happen~

So yeh, with that i will be off for a small time, but will back 18th March with the demo release.
Stay safe and strong, and well, see ya soon you all ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 T6jut817

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty 18th March 2022 Release

Post  lvgisgoed Thu Mar 17, 2022 2:50 pm

Sooooooo, the day is almost here ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
The demo will be released in less than 24 hours now and that is why i am right now doing the last cleanup things before the release~
I'll drop tomorrow a dropbox link again like i did before in this forum thingy~
So yah, stay hooked and hope ya all will enjoy this short thingy i madeヾ(^∇^)

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 T6jut817

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  Don Vecta Fri Mar 18, 2022 5:59 am

looking forward to it

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Demo Link:

Post  lvgisgoed Fri Mar 18, 2022 12:52 pm

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 T6jut817

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  Rain Fri Mar 18, 2022 3:43 pm

lvgisgoed wrote:And it is online...!!! Hope ya'll like it~ Very Happy

Oh dang a 6:00 am release hahaha 

Anyway can't wait to check it out later today (:

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  Herb1e Fri Mar 18, 2022 9:57 pm

lvgisgoed wrote:And it is online...!!! Hope ya'll like it~ Very Happy

Wow! This is a nice Friday treat. Downloading right away. I'm gonna give it a run now and afterwards I will put some of my personal feedback here.

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Dc_ban10

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  Herb1e Fri Mar 18, 2022 10:37 pm

Alright, I just finished the mod. Overall a fantastic work! I really enjoyed the custom stage designs and the new music that you made. I only have a few points for improvement as of now.

First, please don't include the entire SORRV5.1 folder in the download, or at put 2 download links, one with the full game and mod, and one with just the mod, palettes, and data. It just makes it more of a hassle to move everything over into my personal V5.1 folder and I feel like most of the people on this forum know how to put a mod in their own SORR folder. The only other thing I have to add is that the mod could use some balancing. The bosses all felt quite easy with such low health bars. I know that balancing the enemies usually comes later in the modding process, but I thought I would just put it out there.

Everything else in this mod was great. I did wish it was a little longer but I guess I need some more patience to wait for the others stages to be complete, haha. The music was amazing as expected, and the stage designs look really nice and it shows your unique stage design style. Anyways, if in the future you need help with beta testing later versions or anything like that, I'm open to help. Keep up the good work!

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Dc_ban10

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  Rain Fri Mar 18, 2022 11:37 pm

alright about to play it (: like herb i will tell you what I think on it (:

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  Rain Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:20 am

ok i just finished it and it was amazing (:

i love the stage design and the music (the dilapidated town mix was my favorite)

however, I do wish that the bosses was a bit harder and

like herb said there's no need to include streets of rage remake in the download

also the demo was a bit shorter than i thought but Afterall it is a demo hahah

overall this is pretty solid mod (:

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  Don Vecta Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:25 am

Man, I'm extremely impressed by the work you've put on this mod. The visuals are to die for. The ambience of grittiness, rust and urban decay really hit the spots on the stages while keeping the original elements from the SOR1 stages. Great use of filters to add this ambience as well.

Music is also one of the strong points on this mod. Original compositions along with some remixes from clasic tracks, all of them fit so well on the style.

There's a couple of graphical issues you should pay attention, though. There's a few parts in stage 1-2 that have pure black that cause transparency issues. Also, the city background of stage 2-1/2-2 is way too dark. My advice is to add a few lights in and there to notice that the city somehow is still alive within its on decadency, lol.

Also, I think the mod needs a bit mroe of a challenge for more advanced players. If you allow me to, I can do a difficulty patch for you that only works for Very Hard/Mania players so they can feel a bit mroe of a challenge. If you're okay with that, I can send the smk files with the added difficulty.

Oh and I saw that hidden subway station, looks boss.

This mod is extremely potential to become a classic. Excellent work.

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
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Don Vecta

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  lvgisgoed Sat Mar 19, 2022 9:47 am

Heyaa, I saw you reactions and first off thank you for playing and enjoying the demo :D
It was really fun to make and well, I already did tinker a lot more on levels ( ^∇^)
(For example, the subway has a yellow line now!!! ;P)

The most I notice is that there is a request for higher difficulty? I have to look into that, but can always give it a shot off course...!!! ( ̄ω ̄)
But if you have ideas Don Vecta, let me know what you have in mind :D

About the pure black spots, I will patch those out soon...!!!
I honestly forgot about those (丿°ˇ°") (≧∇≦)

But yeah, pointers have been made and will go to work with it. That is why I wanted to release a demo. To get feedback and to up the game as far as I can ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
So thank you all for the feedback, and a new update for the mod will be online soon...!!! ~( ̄▽ ̄)~

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 T6jut817

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Youtube Playlist Update~

Post  lvgisgoed Sat Mar 19, 2022 11:02 am

I added the tracks off the demo online for everyone to enjoy~
And will add (like always) more tracks in de near future ( ᐛ )و

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 T6jut817

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  Iceferno Sat Mar 19, 2022 10:32 pm

Just played the new demo on Normal, and the difficulty balance is pretty good for the most part.

I do think the fast enemies should be from Stage 4 onwards, if it's eight stages. Imo the quick-moving Donovans with pipes were introduced a bit early. The gritty visual style is really cool. I think Din's SOR Mania designs would fit well in it. Has a "SOR4 if it was in the Sega CD/Saturn era" look to it. And the modern updates for the soundtrack work well.

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Patchesss

Post  lvgisgoed Sun Mar 20, 2022 1:14 am

Imma already busy with the visual patch for tha demo~
Sooooo, ya'll can expect an update somewhere next week...!!!

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Rtydrg26

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  Don Vecta Sun Mar 20, 2022 4:07 am

Good, before you release the new demo I'll do a balance patch based on this demo and hope you like it. High level players will enjoy it a lot.

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  SORDave Sun Mar 20, 2022 10:33 pm

Here's an idea for music for your mod. Smile

You should try to do music for Player Select,Stage Clear,Ending & Game Over as well as a Title theme music.


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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  Iceferno Sun Mar 20, 2022 10:42 pm

Title Screens in mods are pretty instant. I'd recommend something 5-10 seconds long.
That's what I've done for my Adam's Story album.

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SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 Empty Re: SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019

Post  lvgisgoed Mon Mar 21, 2022 1:24 am

SORDave wrote:Here's an idea for music for your mod. Smile

You should try to do music for Player Select,Stage Clear,Ending & Game Over as well as a Title theme music.

Yess, i'm planning on doing that in the near future but first wanted to focus on the essentials for this demo~
The title screen would probably be just a SFX thingy for it doesn't need that much for now~
But yah, ya can expect those stuffs soon Very Happy

SoR V Demo (Beta) 2019 - Page 3 T6jut817

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