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SoR2 Shiva Color Separation

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SoR2 Shiva Color Separation  Empty SoR2 Shiva Color Separation

Post  Sshadow5001 Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:56 am

Guess what I've been working on for the last few days, Remember how trying to color SoR2 Shiva was practically impossible because of all the freaking Black, Well I've fixed him Very Happy

SoR2 Shiva Color Separation  Shiva_11

I took the liberty of changing a few other pixels too, no more bark red pixels on the sleeves, the red of the belt now meets the edge of the sprites, Removed the black shading off of the gloves and arms (Because Black outfit), slightly changed the colors of the Guns when Shiva holds them (Because...guns are most of the palette), slightly changed the color of the black line that follow the jaw, eyebrows and mouth and most importantly separated the Black hair from the Black Gi. I also took the liberty or organizing the Color Palette to be easier to customise.

SoR2 Shiva Color Separation  Shiva_12

1st row is hair (4th color unused...for now)
2nd row is skin (and only skin now)
3rd row is the outfit (all dem shades of grey)
4th row is the Headband, Belt, Socks and Gloves (the first 3 colors are also the flames of your special attacks)

All are organised from lightest to darkest.

To top all this off there are also 2 versions 2 choose from, 1 has the flames effected by the first 3 colors of the 4th row, and another where the flames completely separate and therefore cannot be changed (Plus I decided to change the dirt that follows your feet when you run to flames too...because why not)

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SoR2 Shiva Color Separation  Empty Re: SoR2 Shiva Color Separation

Post  Don Vecta Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:12 am

Nice~! Playable version or also enemy version?

SoR2 Shiva Color Separation  Signature_zps2ad5949e
Withering Surface Entertainment presents: H.U.N.T.E.R. with its DLC Stories: Subway Mayhem & A Cold Quest for Peace. Adam's Story (main designer), Rushing Beat Remake, Final Fight CD Mini-mod(e), Double Dragon II The Revenge Megamix.
Don Vecta
Don Vecta

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SoR2 Shiva Color Separation  Empty Re: SoR2 Shiva Color Separation

Post  Sshadow5001 Sat Feb 11, 2017 7:37 pm

Don Vecta wrote:Nice~! Playable version or also enemy version?
Just the playable version, though i can't imagine it'd be too difficult to use the assets from this to make a version for the enemy. I'll have a crack at at it later.

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Location : UK

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SoR2 Shiva Color Separation  Empty Re: SoR2 Shiva Color Separation

Post  Thiago Shiva Fri Feb 17, 2017 4:37 pm

Great work!!! You can do a sor3 version too? Thanks
Thiago Shiva
Thiago Shiva

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Join date : 2014-07-07

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SoR2 Shiva Color Separation  Empty Re: SoR2 Shiva Color Separation

Post  Sshadow5001 Fri Feb 17, 2017 5:00 pm

Thiago Shiva wrote:Great work!!! You can do a sor3 version too? Thanks
I might do, but the Streets of Rage 3 characters seem way more complicated so no promises.

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SoR2 Shiva Color Separation  Empty Re: SoR2 Shiva Color Separation

Post  Thiago Shiva Thu Aug 31, 2017 4:27 pm

Sshadow5001 wrote:I might do, but the Streets of Rage 3 characters seem way more complicated so no promises.

I know you don't make promisses of color separation of Sor3 Shhiva, but you already tried this? Thanks
Thiago Shiva
Thiago Shiva

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SoR2 Shiva Color Separation  Empty Re: SoR2 Shiva Color Separation

Post  Sshadow5001 Sun Sep 17, 2017 4:26 pm

Thiago Shiva wrote:
Sshadow5001 wrote:I might do, but the Streets of Rage 3 characters seem way more complicated so no promises.

I know you don't make promises of color separation of Sor3 Shiva, but you already tried this? Thanks
SoR3 Shiva is a whole different beast to be honest, trying to decipher exactly what is hair and what is outfit is really difficult, there's just too much black to deal with.

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SoR2 Shiva Color Separation  Empty Re: SoR2 Shiva Color Separation

Post  Thiago Shiva Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:18 am

Sshadow5001 wrote:
Thiago Shiva wrote:
Sshadow5001 wrote:I might do, but the Streets of Rage 3 characters seem way more complicated so no promises.

I know you don't make promises of color separation of Sor3 Shiva, but you already tried this? Thanks
SoR3 Shiva is a whole different beast to be honest, trying to decipher exactly what is hair and what is outfit is really difficult, there's just too much black to deal with.

Oh ok, i can imagine this, but don't give up please rsrs... This mod gonna be awesome!!!
Thiago Shiva
Thiago Shiva

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Join date : 2014-07-07

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