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SOR: Bad City Fighters

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SOR: Bad City Fighters Empty SOR: Bad City Fighters

Post  Grand-Upper! Mon Feb 11, 2019 11:28 pm

Hi everyone! New member here, SOR gamer since the early 90s probably like the rest of y'all Smile

Now I have in my possession, the ultra rare comic book, SOR: Bad City Fighters, which I believe was only given away as a prize to 50 winners of a contest in 1994, as well as appearing as a strip in Sonic the Comic the year previous.

What I would like is, any more info on it from the SOR community? I cant find much, only that its ultra rare, and there dont seem to be any copies available anywhere online.

Is it that rare, that sought after? Could it be worth a lot of money? Is there anyone one on here that has a copy too? I look forward to hearing from y'all

Posts : 1
Join date : 2019-02-11

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SOR: Bad City Fighters Empty Re: SOR: Bad City Fighters

Post  Iceferno Fri Feb 15, 2019 3:00 pm

Welcome. Smile Found a few sources with info on it. Apparently you got either a SoR or Shinobi comic as a competition winner.

Wow, it's on eBay for £500. Hold onto it!

SOR: Bad City Fighters Iceferno-streets-orange-sig
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Join date : 2017-09-22
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