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"Mamporros a Gogó" (an old mod reuploaded and improved)

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Mamporros - "Mamporros a Gogó" (an old mod reuploaded and improved) Empty "Mamporros a Gogó" (an old mod reuploaded and improved)

Post  Cm_Blast Mon Dec 23, 2013 5:21 pm

This is another old mod redone in the section of gameplay.

Initially I created this mode with an idea: "Do it fully randomly". Some months later comparing this mod with others I encounter this one a pretty boring in many places/levels/scenes.

So I decide to change almost all the gameplay. I think only a 15% of the previous mod remains because I redesigned all the waves to be more logical.

Some days ago replaying this mod I found a little unfair in some scenes or waves, so I change the mod a bit again. (less enemies, more/better food...) So now with all the changes I decide to reupload the mod.

The backgrounds still remain the same (Sailor Moon), but the waves totally changed. The bosses are the same just with a little changes: one boss was replaced and anothers now have mocks helping him. I tried dodge a 1 vs 1 situation.

The most important in this mod is how the enemies are placed. although isn´t a law, the hardes waves share the palettes, so when you fight 5 or 6 enemies all with the same colour (all green, or half green half blue) that means they are dangerous. they only have they original palettes or random palettes in other zones (only 3-4 enemies, or they appear slowly).

I use just the original game-palettes and names.

You can call the police in almost the game (except in level 4 and some scenes in others levels); don´t feel bad for use them, you will going to need it!

The mod:
-Just 8 level with classic bosses fighting along with soldiers.
-Dynamite Headdy music.
-Police available.
-Lots of waves sharing palletes (because of this is strongly recommended use the original palettes).
-No more enemies/health for hard-mania, but I think is hard enough.

Some images:
(some examples of enemies sharing palettes)
Mamporros - "Mamporros a Gogó" (an old mod reuploaded and improved) Mampor10
Mamporros - "Mamporros a Gogó" (an old mod reuploaded and improved) Mampor11
Mamporros - "Mamporros a Gogó" (an old mod reuploaded and improved) Mampor12
Mamporros - "Mamporros a Gogó" (an old mod reuploaded and improved) Mampor13
Mamporros - "Mamporros a Gogó" (an old mod reuploaded and improved) Mampor14

Download mod here:

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